This Wild Rift mid guide covers in depth the fundamental necessities to improving in the mid lane. Because it’ll be covering a massive amount of information, the Wild Rift mid guide will be broken up into parts to help facilitate the learning process. Provided in this specific overview are intermediate concepts. For players looking for more fundamental concepts, check out part 1 of our mid lane guide series. And for players looking for more advanced tips, check out part 3 of the series.
Here are the other entries:
Part 3: Mid Lane Advanced Tips and Tricks
The information was provided by Kerxx and Vindey of RiftGuides. Special thanks for their help.
Be sure to check out their channel by clicking the link below for a video version of the guide.
[Related: Wild Rift Patch 2.6a Tier List]
Playing mid lane places pressure on the player – but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It can be a curse, but also a blessing – it all depends on the player and their ability to work around that pressure. Nonetheless the primary goal for midlane is centered around reading and initiating rotations in the most optimal fashion while dealing with minion waves.
Next up, who shouldn’t think of playing midlane?
Midlane is not about outplaying the opponent on cooldown – it’s about generating consistent advantages and punishing the opponents for their mistakes. Another thing that is going to ruin a players success as a midlaner is having bad vision control and a lackluster understanding about how to play around that vision.
Don’t forget that as the centerpiece of the map, they’re attracting the most attention and need to be ready to respond at any given time.
Now, time to get into the more specific concepts for the mid lane that players will need. The guide will go from the easiest and most fundamental concepts towards the more complex ones. Those are going to be the difference between being a rank 1 player or just another grandmaster.
For the most fundamental concepts, farming is up first. Depending on the matchup – be it ranged vs ranged or melee vs ranged – it’s important to understand the DOs and DO NOTs.
The primary goal here is to get the most gold without paying a lot of resources in the form of HP & Mana. While doing that it’s also important to keep aware of the opponent’s possible ways of poking. Therefore avoiding skillshots should be another fundamental toolkit for midlaner.
The very last fundamental concept for midlane, or just generally laning is understanding how to last hit under tower. Pay close attention to the tower and his shots. Don’t get overeager, be patient and observe until absolutely certain of each last hit. Every bit of gold matters.
Next up comes the intermediate tier of mid lane concepts.
The very first one is scuttle control. When does this little fella spawn and what do players have to do in order to help your jungle secure it? Alternatively players can also deny the enemy jungler from getting a crab – both work.
At 1 minute 25 this crustacean inhabitant emerges from the river and soon after a vicious battle royale unleashes. The loser of this battle usually loses his mental and wants to surrender almost immediately. To avoid this from happening on the allied side of the team, learn how to deal with the wave briefly before this fight takes place.
But dealing with the wave isn’t only something players need to do for the scuttle crab – they also do it for rotational plays and here it’s important to learn to identify when to roam and how to pull that off.
Here is a little checklist to help with that:
Before going anywhere, look at the position of the enemy on another lane. Take into consideration what the enemy champion can do, where he and the wave is and how likely the play is going to work out in the player’s favour. Once players come to the conclusion that it’s a good idea, they must then think of the necessary steps before walking on over.
Is the wave already cleared and if not – how much would the player lose or rather how much would their lane opponent gain from the rotation? In some situations, players might get the kill on their rotation. But in the end, they might actually lose more gold than they gained – at least in direct comparison to the enemy laner. Minions grant a lot of gold and not only that – players must think about the minions the lane opponent last hits and the ones the player misses out on. Experience and Gold really start to matter. In the worst case scenario, the enemy mid laner will also gain access to turret plates.
So please be aware of the consequences of actions before thoughtlessly run off to some far away coinflippy play!
The next intermediate concept is something that comes after being able to maintain HP values on a relatively healthy level.
Learning when and how to all in.
Identifying the enemy’s cooldowns is one of the most important things to track.
Every single time the enemy uses them thoughtlessly it’s time to punish them – if possible. It’s also important to understand how to sequence abilities – don’t just throw them out for fun. Use them with reason and think about the strongest sequence possible.
Take things like counterplay into consideration and don’t assume that the opponent is bad, even though it might be true. For an example why use any missable skillshots when a Twisted Fate has a targeted stun that cannot be avoided? Just wait for it to hit and then shoot out the spell. It’s a little thing but mostly overlooked and underused.
Hopefully, this wild rift intermediate guide provided information relevant for players to help focus their thoughts and strategies. But simply reading about them isn’t enough. Players need to practice these concepts on the battlefield to ingrain the necessary thinking to improve more at the game. The advanced mechanics are up next. Click here to check that specific guide out.
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