This Wild Rift mid guide covers in-depth the fundamental necessities to improving in the mid lane. Because it’ll be covering a massive amount of information, the Wild Rift mid guide will be broken up into parts to help facilitate the learning process. Provided in this specific overview is a more general overview, which narrows down into smaller details to help draw a bigger picture. Part 2 and part 3 cover intermediate and advanced tips and tricks respectively.
Here are the other entries:
The information was provided by Kerxx and Vindey of RiftGuides. Special thanks for their help.
Be sure to check out their channel by clicking the link below for a video version of the guide.
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Before jumping into specifics, an overall mid lane overview is essential to start off. What kinds of champions see the most play in the mid lane, and how do they exactly play? Understanding these fundamentals is essential to maximizing various picks, alongside formulate a plan to counter them as well.
For one, there are the poke champions. These are insanely hard to punish when played properly.
Next to those are the burst-heavy champions that love to all in.
These further divide those 2 classes, into the T1 protectors and the roamers.
The first is going to mainly sit mid and soak gold & experience to safely scale into the later stages of the game. The latter try to accelerate the game. They want to move away from their lane and impact other lanes as much as possible. But how do they do this?
The answer is with lane priority. In Wild Rift, this occurs frequently. Laners just leave their lane without giving a single damn about the minion-wave. Spoiler though: that’s not how it’s supposed to be. In an ideal world, players want to crash the minion wave into the enemy tower and create a roaming-window. In this window the enemy champion cannot do anything to punish the roam.
The next incoming minion will be too far away, so there’s nothing the enemy mid laner can effectively accomplish. However the lane opponent may try to chase after the roam, which often results in a death sentence for the enemy.
T1 protectors are very weak against bursty champions once we get into a facecheck situation. The biggest strength of a T1 protector is being able to influence the fight from afar – therefore anything similar to close-quarter contact is a risk that is almost always followed by death. As a consequence the roamer usually has the laning-agency early on or he acquires it at a specific level.
But what does this agency translate into? With midlane being the centerpiece of the map literally everyone is able to influence that lane. But what about the mid laner influencing the other lanes?
What if the Roamer is constantly able to move to other lanes while his lane opponent cannot do such a thing. The T1 protector cannot even dream of chasing a roamer into the fog of war and is therefore forced to either sit mid lane or look for a proactive play on the other side of the map.
This is important to note: for those wanting to win most of their games playing midlane, one of the most important things is having a good matchup. Yes, players can win every matchup by being better than their opponent, but having a champion that is substantially better than the enemy really is a gamechanger. Champions such as Akshan and Zed are absolute mid lane terrorists. Those champions are not balanced in any way and crush most of their matchups without having any issue.
The most beneficial traits of character as well as a quick description of their job in midlane. Want to play that role? Then be passionate about gathering the most information possible. The more one knows about what’s going on around them- the better. Ideally, players will create a little guide of strategies for themselves so they’re not forced to come up with a makeshift strategy in the heat of the moment.
That way players can save up a lot more cognitive resources which will enables them to acquire and process even more relevant information around them. After all, players can only make the best and consistent decisions thanks to a massive load of information.
However playing this role brings a certain amount of responsibility with it.
Since mid is the centerpiece of the map and everything kind of happens around mid lane, therefore players have to accept that they’re able to influence most of it. For that point here is a quote an old movie that many are familiar with:
“With great power comes great responsibility.”
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