Senna lives her life stalked by The Black Mist, constantly in fear of the ensuing darkness. Always in danger, Senna learned to fend for herself through Ulias’ guidance. She eventually befriended her mentor’s son, Lucian. The two fell in love, fought as partners, and eventually found their way to Summoners Rift, and now, releasing on Wild Rift.
Teased in recent patch 2.3 leaks, Lucian and Senna’s champion select animations were revealed. The two lovers, renown through League of Legends for their synergy in the bottom lane, will soon enter Wild Rift. Senna serves conventional as a support, while Lucian is an AD carry. Both deal attack damage, while utilizing a ray-like first ability to hit through enemy targets. Senna’s skills have a focus on healing, while Lucian’s skills prioritize full damage while kiting.
Alongside Senna and Lucian, Riven leaked as well.
[Related: Riven Leaked for Wild Rift]
Since Irelia will most likely be the first champion released in Patch 2.3, set to release on June 1, expect to see Lucian and Senna release at least four weeks later. The estimated release date is around July 1st. Champions release a couple of days after major patches rather than the day of. In addition, it is safe to assume that the two champions will release together, since Kha’Zix and Rengar, two champions with intertwined lore, released in a similar manner.
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