Recently, Wild Rift’s twitter account teased the release of a new champion: Kayle. The winged champion resembles a Valkyrie, wielding a sword and donned in armor. Likely to enter Wild Rift in the next couple of weeks, Kayle is a top lane champion that excels during the mid to late game. Wild Rift Kayle has been a hot topic of discussion for the next entry for quite a while, but hadn’t seen any confirmation. With the most recent post from Riot’s Wild Rift team, this drastically increases the likelihood of Kayle’s release.
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Shown in the twitter post is the wing of a majestic individual. “Fear not. Salvation draws near.” This infers the addition of a champion that prioritizes holy abilities, which points towards Kayle. In League PC, Kayle’s abilities center around majestic divination. From moves like Celestial Blessing, Divine Judgement, and Divine Ascent, the short caption practically confirms Kayle’s release.
In addition with Kayle, Morgana will almost surely enter Wild Rift as well. The developers almost always release champions in groups. Lucian released alongside Senna, Renekton came with Nasus, and Caitlyn debuted with Jayce. Therefore, Kayle’s counterpart, Morgana, is the most logical champion to debut alongside her. Morgana is often played as a support or a mid laner.
The two represent duality, directly correlating to each other’s lore. Kayle is one with the light, and Morgana is one with the dark. Upon release, expect the usual champion events centering around the new releases to drop as well.
Patch 2.5a has been the version for Wild Rift for the past month now. Considering Wild Rift’s Horizon Cup concluded recently, a new patch update should be releasing at the latest next Wednesday. Expect news on the champion releases alongside massive game updates during that time.
Morgana and Kayle will enter Wild Rift very soon. Though no official news has been dropped, the likelihood of their releases stands rather high with the most recent teaser post from Riot. Both will be welcome additions to the roster of Wild Rift, providing more variety alongside gameplay options for players.
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