Home » Wild Rift Jhin Build

Wild Rift Jhin Build

Publish Date: December 20, 2020

As of Patch 1.1, Jhin is the strongest ADC in the Wild Rift. The gunslinging marksman uses his four-shot kit and skill shots to dominate the map. For those who do not know how to build the champion or are new to Wild Rift, here are two builds for Jhin.

Ghost Blade Rush

This build has been taking over Wild Rift. The lethality from Youmuu’s Ghostblade allows Jhin to deal more damage per auto-attack. The second item choice is situational, as players sometimes opt for mortal reminder second over Guardian Angel, especially when very ahead. But for most circumstances, Guardian Angel as a second item works wonderfully.

Ghost Blade Rush gives Jhin’s spells incredible damage, allowing him to out-poke every ADC match up in the game. Use this build when wanting to meta abuse.

Abilities Upgrade Priority:

1st ability

2nd ability               

3rd ability

4th ability




Upgrade Ultimate whenever possible.

1 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 4 > 1 > 1 > 2 > 4 > 2 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 3 > 3

Typical Crit Build

Crit Build relies more heavily on auto attacks than spells. A tried and true build, Crit Build lacks damage on Jhin’s spells but gives his autos a whopping finish. This build works better than the previous when incredibly ahead, but other than that, it falls short.

For those who are used to the Crit Build, building Crit works perfectly fine on Jhin. But in most regards, Ghost Blade Rush will yield more consistent results.

Abilities Upgrade Priority:

1st ability

2nd ability               

3rd ability

4th ability




Upgrade Ultimate whenever possible.

1 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 4 > 1 > 1 > 2 > 4 > 2 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 3 > 3

Runes and Summoner Spells

Fleet Footwork is hands down, the best keystone rune on Jhin. This keystone gives him the movement speed necessary to synergize with Youmuu’s Ghostblade and gives his first auto-attack in a combo extra umph.

For the secondary runes, mana flow band allows Jhin to spam spells more readily, and Triumph gives Jhin’s executions extra damage. Considering his fourth auto-attack, which deals extra damage, Triump and Fleet Footwork synergize excellently alongside Ghostblade to execute enemies.








Unsurprisingly, Jhin should take flash every time. The second summoner spell depends on whether the allied support is taking heal or not. If they are, Jhin should take barrier. If not, heal is the best option.

Noteworthy Items

Courtesy of League of Legends Wiki

Youmuu’s Ghostblade is one of the greatest items for Jhin to build in Wild Rift. The passive on Ghostblade stacks movement speed, which is all released with the first auto-attack. This passive synergizes excellently with Fleet Footwork, and Fleet Footwork synergizes with Jhin’s kit.

Jhin’s auto attacks deal more damage than the typical ADC’s, as he only has four autos before having to reload. By having Ghostblade’s movement speed and Fleet Footwork’s movement speed, Jhin is able to run across the map dealing massive on-hit damage.

Courtesy of League of Legends Wiki

Unlike most ADCs in Wild Rift, Jhin tends to opt for Boots of Swiftness. Moving around, as previously mentioned, is essential to maximize Jhin’s damage. These boots help stack Youmuus’ and Fleet Footwork even faster.


Courtesy of League of Legends Wiki

Jhin’s biggest weakness is his vulnerability. With no escapes, Jhin is open to getting burst down by enemy carries. Guardian Angel as a second item rush ensures that this weakness is covered. Enemies can expend resources to burst him down, to deny him, but with GA, chances are the enemy has to sacrifice too much to keep him dead.


In Conclusion

As one of the strongest ADCs, if not the strongest, in Wild Rift, building Jhin to maximize his kit is essential to success. Abuse the build shown here before Jhin gets hit by some inevitable nerfs in the near future.

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