Wild Rift recently released an update, featuring a new event and some different itemization. Not only that, but the update brought forth the EU servers.
The event allows players to redeem random skin chests, and unlock champions through weekly missions. For items, Wild Rift removed Cool Down Reduction, opting for Ability Haste.
These events seem to only be available for new regions. Those who have already had access to the open beta, sit tight!
Week 1
Week 1 provides a champion selection chest. This allows players to unlock any champion of their choice.
Week 2
Week 2 gives players a random skin chest, which as stated, unlocks a random skin. The missions for the future weeks have not been released yet, so wait patiently for these.
Week 3
Week 3 gives yet another random skin chest and also a random champion chest. Both are random, so cross those fingers before rolling.
Week 4
Week 4 gives the same exact thing as week 3.
Ability haste is the biggest change from this recent patch. Replacing Cooldown Reduction, there is no longer a 45% cap but rather depends solely on ability haste.
They perform essentially the same, but ability haste scales much different from Cooldown Reduction. 100 ability haste means that abilities will refresh 100% faster. This is, in essence, 50% cool down reduction.
Here is a chart, credits to sanketower, converting ability haste to cooldown reduction.
credits to Sanketower on Reddit
Though not officially stated by Riot, EU users now have access to their own Wild Rift Server. The official release is December 10th. With Ability Haste implemented into Wild Rift, more and more changes are coming in the next coming days.
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