The slam-dunking Noxian recently debuted in Wild Rift in Patch 1.1. He will be a new style for many players in Wild Rift and someone that people will be wondering, how to to build him? Here are two build paths for the bruiser carry.
[Related: A Look at Darius’ Abilities]
This build relies on Black Cleaver to deal out damage. The rest of the kit gives him survivability in a team fight. Sterak’s Gage pops when he is low, and Gargoyle Enchantment active gives him a massive health barrier.
The longer Darius is able to survive in a team fight, the more damage and healing he can receive. The goal of this build is to soak up damage and heal as much as possible at the same time. Once the stacks are set, Darius’ ultimate ability slam dunks the enemy team.
Abilities upgrade priority
1st ability
2nd ability
3rd ability
Upgrade Ultimate whenever possible.
1 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 4 > 1 > 1 > 2 > 4 > 2 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 3 > 3
This build is for those looking to build straight damage. Trinity force grants more damage overall, as it gives Darius the opportunity to insert auto attacks to maximize damage output. Ghost blade helps build up movement speed to chase after kills, synergizing with Darius’ 2nd ability very well.
Instead of Gargoyle’s enchantment, this build utilizes glorious enchantment to catch enemies.
Blade of the Ruin King gives a small amount of sustainability but also decreases the enemies’ chances of running away. Mortal Reminder makes sure that enemies do not win in a sustain war against Darius, while Phantom Dancer gives extra movement speed and a small shield to help Darius in dire circumstances.
Abilities upgrade priority
1st ability
2nd ability
3rd ability
Upgrade Ultimate whenever possible.
1 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 4 > 1 > 1 > 2 > 4 > 2 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 3 > 3
For Keystone Runes, Conqueror functions the best on Darius. Almost always wanting to fight, Darius excels in crippling the enemy. Conqueror stacks help ensure his trade potential, giving extra healing and AD to further outtrade the enemy.
The secondary runes, there are many viable paths. The ones listed above help Darius snowball after getting a kill and give him extra movement and survivability.
Darius almost always wants to opt for ghost and flash. This combo makes him a terrifying monster to run away from, giving him chances to position his 1st ability properly for devastating trades.
Courtesy of League of Legends Wiki
Black Cleaver is an excellent item for Darius. By stealing the enemies’ armor, Black Cleaver helps Darius trade during elongated fights. The extra health on Black Cleaver also grants Darius extra survivability.
Courtesy of League of Legends Wiki
If players do not want to opt for Black Cleaver and prefer more straight damage builds, Trinity Force is the second option to go to. This item functions similarly to Black Cleaver but gives more base damage stats. The key difference is that Trinity Force forces Darius to auto-attack more in-between skills, as the active ability and attack speed make it easier.
Courtesy of League of Legends Wiki
Gargoyle Enchant was recently buffed. The item actually increases maximum health by 65% now, rather than 40% as shown in the picture. If there are three or more champions nearby, it increases maximum health by 130%. These are massive changes and this item will, without a doubt, help Darius survive burst damage in the middle of a big team fight.
As an active ability built from boots, the boots items Darius wants to build are almost always tanky. This can be either Ninja Tabi or Mercury Treads. When going for the glass cannon build, gluttonous boots may work as well.
There are many ways to build a champion. These are the recommended build paths for Darius, but not the only build paths out there. Be sure to adapt to the situation, changing according to what the team needs and what the enemy team has.
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