Home » Wild Rift Alistar Build

Wild Rift Alistar Build

Publish Date: January 4, 2021

Alistar is a relatively popular support in Wild Rift. Utilizing his kit to engage, the cow relies heavily on tankiness to apply crowd control consistently throughout a team fight. Because of such, the builds shown here all build Alistar tanky, as building him otherwise is not suggested.

AD Enemy Team

Stack armor against AD heavy enemy teams. These are the items most relevant and viable for an armor stacking tank build.

Thornmail and Randuin greatly reduce the effects of auto-attacks and AD damage while Thornmail even does some damage back to the AD attacker.

Ability Upgrade Priority:

1st ability

2nd ability

3rd ability

4th ability




1 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 4 > 1 > 1 > 2 > 4 > 2 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 3 > 3

AP Heavy Enemy Team

This build, as stated, deals with AP heavy enemies. Spirit visage and Abyssal Mask provide help restoring health, alongside Warmog stacking health regeneration. This build excels in long teamfights, helping Alistar’s survivability and longevity.

Ability Upgrade Priority:

1st ability

2nd ability

3rd ability

4th ability




1 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 4 > 1 > 1 > 2 > 4 > 2 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 3 > 3

Runes and Summoner Spells

Courtesy of League of Legends Wiki

Aftershock synergizes wonderfully with Alistar. Always take this keystone rune. For the rest, the runes are very situational. The ones shown here work best for sticking close to allies, to help them in terms of utility. But other secondary runes are, without a doubt, very viable. Do not be afraid to experiment with them.





Alistar should always take flash. The burst movement for the summoner spell can change team fights. For the second summoner spell, take Ignite for offensive play style and exhaust for defensive. In rare cases, take heal to help allies survive.

Notable Items

Courtesy of League of Legends Wiki

This item is a core item. As a cheap item with great utility, Protector’s Vow is great for keeping the ally ADC safe alongside giving Alistar a burst of tankiness as well. Supports do not get much gold in this game, especially when playing from behind. Be sure to utilize the cheaper tank support items to make use of the little gold that Alistar gains in the game.

Courtesy of League of Legends Wiki

This synergizes well in duo lanes, as the effects give buffs to an ally nearby. Similar to Protector’s Vow, this item is cheap and really gives a bang for its buck. Build Zeke’s to maximize gold efficiency in tanky supports alongside give buffs to the ally ADC.

In Conclusion

Build tanky on Alistar to see the most success. As tanks in Wild Rift are generally a little weak, be sure to utilize the support specific items to get the most gold efficient items, such as Zeke’s and Protectors.


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