For those who don’t know, Sett’s release has been confirmed. The leader of the underworld plays as a melee bruiser who throws himself into the midst of combat. He drops in Wild Rift very soon, so some may be wondering when the actual release date is. A recent Twitter post from the official Wild Rift account stated that Sett releases on Patch 3.0. Since the patch scheduled to drop on January 19, expect Sett to drop rather soon after. The Wild Rift Sett release date has been confirmed to occur on January 26, around a week after the patch drops.
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The date of January 26 is the official Riot Games confirmed release date for Sett, the boss. Wild Rift developers are providing all players a 24 hour grace period before being required to update the game. In essence, those playing on previous version of the game can still play with others who have updated to patch 3.0.
In addition, with every big champion release, Wild Rift always delays the launch of the champion at least a day. Of course, Wild Rift developers may choose to drop Sett even later. But Wild Rift Sett stands as their first champion release in 2022. Therefore, the developers have a decent amount of pressure to start off on the right foot.
For those who don’t know, Sett is a leading figure of the underworld. The champion utilizes face breaking CC and a unique mechanic that rewards him for taking damage. His playstyle revolves around positioning in the middle of team fights. The more champions he surrounds himself with, the more utility Sett acquires from his Facebreaker. It’s hard to tell exactly where he’ll see play, since in League PC he played as a support, top laner, and even jungler. But regardless, he’s a fan favorite and sure to be an excellent addition to Wild Rift.
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