More champions are making their way to Wild Rift than people can keep up with. According to a leak from the Canserole YouTube channel, Riven will be coming to mobile and Wild Rift. She is not the first champion to have been leaked thus far. Irelia has been confirmed while it looks like Senna and Lucian will be joining soon as well. If Riven truly is making her way to Wild Rift people will start to wonder, what is the Riven Wild Rift release date.
Riven is generally a top lane champion but has seen time in the jungle and mid lane in League of Legends as well. For Wild Rift, Riven will likely be a Baron lane champion but similarly to League of Legends it wouldn’t be surprising to see her in the jungle or mid lane. This is because of her excellent maneuverability and abilities that allow her to 1v1 most champions.
She is also a champion that does not use mana. This means that cooldowns are really her only major weakness and that she can essentially stay in lane as long as she has health. For newer players, this will be important to remember as she will never need any mana items.
As for her release date, it might be a bit. The reason for this is Irelia is already confirmed to be coming out with Wild Rift Patch 2.3 which should be coming out on June 1. Then if they follow a similar release schedule for what they have been doing then Senna and Lucian will come out about two weeks later on June 17. After all three of them have joined, Riven would likely be next and probably about two weeks later.
This means that the Riven Wild Rift release date would be sometime around June 30 or July 1.
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