After being teased, the first-ever Wild Rift exclusive skins will be heading to the mobile League of Legends port. There will be a Stargazer Skin for Camille, Twisted Fate and Soraka. These skins are definitely unique and should be fun for Wild Rift players to get. They could be coming as soon as next week with the launch of the Americas open beta. Here is a look at all three Stargazer Skins for Wild Rift.
[Related: Project Skins are Coming to Wild Rift]
Stargarzer Camille
Stargarzer Soraka
Stargarzer Twisted Fate
Most likely, the Stargazer skins for Wild Rift won’t be the first exclusive skins. The Wild Rift team seems to want to use League of Legends as the base but do want to make the game feel unique in some ways. It will be interesting to see if the Stargazer skins end up on the PC League of Legends. Considering they look like very fun and interesting skins, it would not be a surprise to see them make their way over in the future.
Also, it is worth discussing whether or not more exclusive skins will be on the way soon. League of Legends will normally add new skins every few weeks or generally with every patch. Events are especially a big source of new skins being added to the game. With Wild Rift following in its wake, new skins are being added but most of them are copies from League of Legends. Seeing as these Stargazer skins are likely being added to commemorate the Americas open beta release, there have to be some other skins in the works.
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