After a long wait, the newest VALORANT map is finally on its way. After Fracture, the VALORANT dev team has been pretty quiet about the next map. Then the leak for Pitt happened. Until now, it was still radio silence. Luckily fans will be excited to know that VALORANT Pearl has been revealed as the next map. Here is what was shown of it so far.
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The map was originally leaked but it has now been confirmed by the VALORANT dev team. Here is the video they posted announcing it.
This new map brings with it an Atlantis vibe. According to the launch video, it has been encased under water due to the world being flooded. That being said, it is clear that there is something else that is going on with this city. The discussion of dimensional parts makes it feel like this may be the other universe away from the main one for the VALORANT crew.
Either way, this map brings with is a city square which may be where the codename Pitt came from. The center shows a person holding up giant orb or sphere. Whether that actually matters as anything more than an accentuated point isn’t clear.
VALORANT has certainly been needing more maps. The game has not had one added in a long time and fans were clearly clamoring for a new map. Will this also be the first Act to have a new map and new Agent drop at the same time? This is not known yet but if leaks are any indication, it would seem unlikely.
Regardless, VALORANT Pearl will be available to players on June 22.
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