Normally every VALORANT Episode comes with at least two Agents and one new map. Episode 4 was the first one to not bring any new maps or even any game modes. Now there was hope that VALORANT Episode 5 Act 1 would bring with it a new map. According to a leaker, not only will there be a new map soon but the codename for it has been revealed. Here is more about VALORANT Map Pitt.
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There is not a lot to glean from the leak so far. That being said, the last one was codenamed “canyon”. This lead to the map Fracture. In the name canyon, it gave fans a hint of what the map could be about. So when looking into Pitt, there are a few things one might be able to think of.
For starters, this map could literally just have a pit in the in middle of it. This would be reminiscent of an Overwatch map called Ilios Well. There could also be one like in Halo where it is called “The Pit” and it is basically a cage match.
The last and least likely theory is that it is called Pitt like Pittsburgh because maybe the map is based off of the city in the United States of Pittsburgh. If it were talking about a normal pit it wouldn’t include the extra “t”. Because it does there is a chance this could be a city map in an area that VALORANT has yet to go.
While there are all these wild theories, there is a chance that this leak does not come to fruition or is fake. Either way, a new VALORANT map is hopefully coming soon and The Game Haus will be here to cover it when it does drop.
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