In the latest VALORANT Act, Episode 5 Act 2, there were no agents or maps released. This has become a bit commonplace for the VALORANT team lately after saying they were hoping to do one per act. That being said, just because no agent was released does not mean they are not working on new ones that are mostly ready. According to a leak, this seems to be true. Here is a look at potentially agent 21 VALORANT Mage and their abilities.
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As always, take any leaks or rumors with a grain of salt. This could have easily been made up by someone but the reason to believe these leaks could be true is based on one particular leaker.
The fact that @ValorLeaks as they are known on Twitter posted these after they were leaked on Reddit is a big deal.
As they state in the tweet even, these abilities and models are not done. Though that doesn’t mean that they are not on a different part of the dev team.
Here is a look at the VALORANT Mage Abilities, according to the potential leak.
Vision Taker
EQUIP a distortion wall launcher. FIRE to create a small line of distortion. Enemies will get breifly blinded if they walk through.
Tartarus Pit
EQUIP a Tartarus charger. FIRE to launch a crippling shot that deals some damage and slows players within its zone.
EQUIP bubble and enter into a phased state to place down a bubble by pressing the ability key. Activate to create an impenetrable bubble. Bullets cannot pass through.
Golem (Ultimate)
EQUIP the golem doll. FIRE to throw down the doll. All teammates in the radius will get a regeneration buff and enemies will get a decay debuff. Lasts for a duration or until destroyed by enemies.
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