The VALORANT Skin team continues to bring out fantastic new skins that are definitely tempting to buy. Others will want to buy some of them on release. Sometimes they are leaked just a bit before the full release. Here is a look at the newly leaked, VALORANT Emberclad Skins coming to the game very soon.
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The VALORANT Emberclad Skins have been leaked by known VALORANT Leaker, ValorLeaks on Twitter. Below is a look at their original Tweet.
The list of guns getting a skin is below. This includes the new melee.
These are certainly some interesting skins coming with this one. It is good to see the Frenzy getting some love. The Bulldog, Specter and Phantom all fit with the theme of this one in name. At least they seem to.
The one that will certainly have people talking is the Melee. The Emberclad Hammer very much feels like a ripoff of Reinhardt’s Hammer in Overwatch and Overwatch 2. While a hammer is not exclusive to that game and neither are war hammers in general, this one certainly looks like it could be in Overwatch or VALORANT.
Regardless, this looks like it will be a popular skinline and one that will have fans looking forward to its official release on the VALORANT store. The likely flame effects will be something to behold. The iron surrounding the fire gives this a very unique aesthetic without a doubt.
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