Many fans were already anticipating a new map coming to VALORANT soon as they need the end of their latest Act. This has been the plan with VALORANT since its release. Essentially there will be one new Agent every two months or once every Act of which there are three in each Chapter. Then once every Chapter there will be a new map. It looks like Canyon might have been leaked as the next VALORANT Map coming to VALORANT.
The information for this map was leaked from the normally very accurate Twitter account, @ValorLeaks. It is important to remember that this is a leak, not a confirmation of the actual name of the new map.
Riot Games took a week off for their entire company. This meant teams for VALORANT, League of Legends, Legends of Runeterra and more were off for a designated period of time. Because of this, a lot of things were pushed back. It seems likely that the next VALORANT Act will be coming out soon but still a bit off the initial schedule they had planned for.
There have not been any images of the new map as of yet. It seems likely that with this information, there will be more coming pretty soon. Normally when a leaker gets involved, it means that something is on the horizon.
Speculating about what this map might be based around, one could assume they mean the Grand Canyon in the United States. Seeing as most of the maps are based around certain areas on Earth, a map named Canyon would likely be related to this place in Arizona.
Either way, a new season and Act should be coming soon. To keep up with everything about it, keep it here at The Game Haus.
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