VALORANT ranked has been out for weeks now, and players have been grinding to reach the titular rank, VALORANT. Good aim and game sense will help some players reach the top ranks, but everyone will need strong communication to win those close matches. In a slower game like VALORANT, communication becomes extremely pivotal to clutching out certain moments. Miscommunication leads to missed opportunities and frustration, which can compound into an overall poor match. In order to maximize knowledge and win percentage, it is vital to know the common callouts in each map for VALORANT.
T or CT
These callouts refer to the spawn site for each team. The “CT” callout refers to a location that leads towards the defender spawn. The CT callout originates from Counter Strike, as the Counter Terrorists are the equivalent of VALORANT’s defenders. It only makes sense that T is short for Terrorist, the attacking team in Counter Strike. Much like the CT call, if a teammate mentions T-side, they are referring to a location that is closer to the attacker spawn.
The “heaven” callout refers to a spot that overlooks the plant site. In VALORANT, the map calls these spots “A Tower” and “B Tower”. Heaven is a common location for snipers as it gives a large sight advantage over the attacking team.
Under Heaven
Because “heaven” is a high ground position, it makes sense that there is equally a low ground position players can take. Typically there is a spot “under heaven” players can stay, oftentimes to hide from an opponent in heaven.
On Site
Potentially the most obvious of callouts, “On site” dictates that there is an opponent on the objective. Teammates will typically specify which site and where the opponent was last seen “on site”.
Screenshot taken from VALORANT
Screenshot taken from VALORANT
“Garage” AKA C Short
“Connector” AKA A Link
“Cellar” AKA A Short
Screenshot taken from VALORANT
Screenshot taken from VALORANT
“Shower” refers to A Bath
“Tetris” refers to the boxes just outside of A Bath
“Hookah” refers to B Widow
“U-Hall” refers to A Lamps
Screenshot taken from VALORANT
Screenshot taken from VALORANT
“Water” or “Under” refers to A Sewer
Featured image courtesy of Riot Games
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