The newest VALORANT agent has likely been leaked as known VALORANT Leaker Shiina has revealed the look of the next agent. This comes after more was revealed about the newest VALORANT agent just last week during the Summer Game Fest. Fans were able to see that this likely was a robot and indeed it seems as though that will be the case. Here is a look at KAY-O or also known as Kayo, the next VALORANT agent.
Below is a look at the post from Shiina along with another image that was put on Reddit.
There has been a lot of speculation surrounding this agent as it was not released with the last act of chapter 2. With VALORANT chapter 3 on the way next week, it felt likely that KAY/O would be released sometime soon. Due to the nature of this leak, one can assume that the VALORANT team at Riot Games will officially reveal this character soon.
As a reminder, there is still the small possibility that this agent will not be revealed. It has not been confirmed by Riot Games so this source could be wrong. That said, it seems unlikely as their source is nearly always right and normally at least a day or two ahead of everyone else.
What will be interesting is to see whether the codenames that were revealed before are correct or not. Will this be Grenadier or Bounty Hunter? What will their abilities be? Either way, KAYO certainly looks like a VALORANT agent that players will enjoy, as long as they are not too overpowered.
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