Home » Condensed VALORANT Patch .50 Notes

Condensed VALORANT Patch .50 Notes

Publish Date: May 13, 2020

While not yet on a consistent schedule, the VALORANT team have shown that they intend on patching the game regularly. Whether this means to balance the guns, agents, maps or add something new to any of the three, the VALORANT team seem committed to keeping this game entertaining. With that said they have released Patch .50 and TGH has a condensed version to make sure that players get the most important information.

Sometimes this maybe most of the notes, which the full announcement is here, otherwise, these will make longer ones easier to digest.

Gun Balances

Walking Accuracy Issues: They have lowered the thresh hold for walking accuracy. This means that when switching from running as normal to walking, there won’t be as much of an issue of losing accuracy.

Tap and Burst Accuracy/Recovery Time Fixed on All Rifles: Every major rifle has received a reduction in the time it takes for accuracy to be regained after shooting. Basically, if someone fires a few shots or a quick burst they can get the accuracy back to normal much quicker for another burst or tap.

Ares and Odin Get Buffs: The Ares will now cost 1,600 credits instead of 1,700 and both of them have had their spray tuned down a bit.

Agent Balances


  • Slow Orb zone duration decreased from 9 seconds to 7 seconds
  • Slow Orb slowing amount decreased from 65% to 50%
  • Sage Barrier Orb increased from 300 to 400 credits


  • Cyber Cage no longer slows enemies that move through it
  • Spycam cooldown when destroyed increased 30 >> 45 seconds


  • Dark Cover smoke duration increased 12 >> 15 seconds
  • Dark Cover cooldown increased 30 >> 35 seconds


  • Snake Bite radius increased 350 >> 450
  • Height required to jump out of all damaging area denial abilities 80 >> 120
  • Snake Bite damage tick speed increased (total damage per second unchanged)


  • Height required to jump out of all damaging area denial abilities 80 >> 120
  • Incendiary damage tick speed increased (total damage per second unchanged)
  • Brimstone’s Incendiary increased from 200 to 300 credits


  • Height required to jump out of all damaging area denial abilities 80 >> 120
  • Fireball damage tick speed increased (total damage per second unchanged)
  • Phoenix Curveball increased from 100 to 200 credits


  • Raze Blast Pack increased from 100 to 200 credits


  • Jett’s Updraft reduced from 200 to 100 credits

Map Balances


  • Barrier locations (those clear blue walls) have been adjusted across the map to provide attackers more of a foothold into territory control across the map
    • Defender barrier in B Mid has been pulled back. New barriers are in the entrance to Vent and atop the staircase in B Tower
    • Defender barrier has been pulled back at A Ramps
    • Attacker barrier has been pushed forward at A Main
    • Attacker barrier has been pushed forward slightly at B Main
  • Angled the wall on the left interior of B Tower when pushing up the stairs from Mid
    • This removes a 50/50 angle check when pushing into this space, which should make it more approachable for you to try and gain control of B Tower
  • Radianite crate in B has been changed to a metal crate to provide more cover when planting the Spike


  • A new map exploit system is in effect which will have negative effects on anyone trying to escape the playspace

All Maps

  • Added fixes for Cypher Spy Camera exploits to all three maps
  • Backside of spawn barriers are now opaque to prevent some abuse cases
  • Added ability for Spike to automatically fall from elevated boost positions
  • Fixed multiple spots where Sova’s Recon Dart could over-penetrate map geometry

General Game Changes

Max Credit Cap: From 12,000 to 9,000

Armor Changes Between Rounds: Armor carried over from prior rounds is no longer destroyed when new armor is purchased, allowing you to sell newly purchased armor and return to your previous armor status (instead of having no armor)

Teammate Armor is Shown on Scoreboard

Updated Icons: Enabled attack/defend icons in the upper-middle game info UI for all players, not just observers

New Ult Knowledge: Hooked up “Ult Almost Ready” VO when a character uses the Ult Status radio command and are within 1 ult point of being fully charged

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