On Tuesday September 29, the prayers of various ranked players were finally answered. The continually oppressive Operator received its first nerf since VALORANT’s release. Along with specific gun tweaks, players will no longer be able to jump and shoot as effectively at long range. These pair of nerfs should make gunfights in long hallways feel a bit more 50/50. And what has now almost become a thing of tradition, Viper received several buffs to aid in the ever-progressing endeavor to make the character playable in high-ranked matches.
Check out the full
patch notes here.
Agent Changes
- Stim Beacon
- Fire rate bonus increased from 10% to 15%
- Blade Storm
- The time between consecutive Burst Fire use has increased from 0.33 to 0.45 seconds
- Daggers thrown in Burst now have a damage falloff that begins at 12 meters and drops steadily (to 35 damage) at max falloff
- Headshot multiplier on Burst Fire reduced from 3x to 2x
- Paranoia
- Updated projectile VFX to better represent hitbox, especially when it is traveling towards player POV
- Empress
- Fire rate bonus decreased from 25% to 15%
- Fuel now starts at 100, rather than 50
- Snake Bite
- Vulnerable debuff applied from Snake Bite now lingers for 2 seconds after leaving Viper’s acid
- Viper Pit’s
- Move speed doubled while casting
- Viper now fast equips her weapon after casting, re-equip times vary per gun. On average it will reduce her weapon down time by 0.4 seconds.
[Related: VALORANT Agent Tier List Patch 1.07: The Fall of Sage]
Weapon Changes
- Increased price from 4500 to 5000
- Decreased scoped movement speed from 76% to 72%
- Adjusted weapon deadzone from becoming inaccurate at 30% movement speed to 15%
- Firing rate reduced from 0.75 to 0.6
- Instant equip time adjusted from 0.3 to 0.5
- Leg shot damage decreased from 127 to 120
All Weapons
- Jump land inaccuracy state changed from grtadual to binary
- Jump land inaccuracy duration increased from 0.2 to 0.225
- Jump land inaccuracy value increased from 5.0 to 7.0
Competitive Changes
- This patch should reduce the chances for hour or longer queues
Social Changes
- Riot ID reviews
- Removed multi-line breaks in chat
- Changes to party push to talk settings will now take effect immediately
- The chat window can now be pinned to stay open across menus
- Social panel sorting logic
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where Sova’s hitbox was inccorect while using Owl Drone
- Fixed an issue where Omen’s glowing eyes weren’t properly removed when he cancelled his ult
- Fixed a big where Custom Game references would be wiped after navigating away from the Custom Game lobby
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