The Riot Scholastic Association of America, the official Riot-led organization of College and Highschool Esports, has announced a new format: College VALORANT. Previously, RSAA had only facilitated League of Legends tournaments at the collegiate level. Here is what is known about the College Valorant League.
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According to the announcement, the College VALORANT, or CVAL as they call it, League will be open to all accredited colleges and universities in North America. Three open regional tournaments are scheduled for fall, winter, and spring, which will culminate in a 32-team cross-region CVAL Championship with an LAN finals event. Prizes consist of scholarships at all three seasonal tournaments, as well as the championships.
Each tournament will have its own separate registration and bracket, and the final rounds will be hosted in Los Angeles in Spring 2023. The tournaments will be held across the four geographic regions where VALORANT game servers are located. Schools can participate in whichever server works best for them, but can only earn credits for one region.
Individual matches will be held on Saturdays and Sundays, and teams will play one best-of-three match per day, and two per week. The first and second place teams will be qualified for CVAL Championship, while the top two point earners from each region will also qualify.
There’s no time to wait, as the 2022-23 CVAL Season is already slated to start moving this summer.
Operations RFP process begins: July 13
RFP submissions due: August 1
Fall Tournament
Registration: 9/9 – 10/7
Phase 1: 10/24 – 11/6
Phase 2 11/12 – 12/12 (No matches scheduled over Thanksgiving weekend)
Winter Tournament
Registration: 11/28 – 1/6
Phase 1: 1/16 – 1/29
Phase 2: 2/4 – 2/26
Spring Tournament
Registration: 1/23 – 2/27
Phase 1: 3/13 – 3/26
Phase 2: 4/1 – 4/30 (No matches scheduled over Easter weekend)
CVAL Championship
Online rounds: 5/6 – 5/21
Live finals: TBD, June or July
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