As VALORANT makes its official release Tuesday, June 2, players will be welcomed to the latest map “Ascent”. After weeks of speculation on Reddit and Twitter, the developers at Riot confirmed the existence of Ascent during ESPN’s 12-hour live stream event.
The map has been the topic of conversation for weeks now, thanks to data-mined images from various Reddit and Youtube users. The map will have a Venetian-theme as seen in the Reyna game-play reveal. The latest iteration of maps includes doors that can manipulate the flow of attackers.
[Related: Is the Practice Range Actually the VALORANT Map “Ascent”?]
On VALORANT’s release, Riot will be introducing content in the form of “Episodes”. Ascent will be featured in Episode 1: Ignition, along with the new agent Reyna, and a new game mode titled Spike-Rush. It looks as though Riot will be releasing content in a way that will build the world of VALORANT one episode at a time. With Ascent coming into the game, players will get one more piece in the unknown world that is VALORANT.
Featured image courtesy of Riot Games
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