Late last year, @TFT unveiled a teaser image of new Little Legends coming in Patch 10.1. The names of the legends, presumably from left to right, are Tocker, Craggle and Flutterbug. The post in which they were first revealed is below.
New Little Legends incoming Patch 10.1
Meet Tocker, Craggle, and Flutterbug!
😍😍😍 pic.twitter.com/Hflp6NQzg3
— Teamfight Tactics (@TFT) December 10, 2019
This announcement came right on the heels of the announcement of Patch 9.24 and the introduction of Lucian (re-worked), Senna and Amumu to TFT. However, since then, more details have surfaced about patch 10.1, which should be coming sometime very soon. Stay tuned for more updates on this patch which should prove to be a major patch in Set 2’s history.
In the meantime, to help gain more of an understanding of TFT and it’s latest Seasonal Set, be sure to check out our Complete Guide to TFT Rise of the Elements. If you’re already a master, tell a friend!
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Featured Image Courtesy of League of Legends
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