Home » 5 TFT Set 5.5 Comps to Try on PBE
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5 TFT Set 5.5 Comps to Try on PBE

Publish Date: July 7, 2021

With TFT set 5.5 hitting PBE today, the new system and unit changes can be a lot to figure out, so it’s best to get a head start on building new game-winning comps to hit the ground running once the new set hits live servers. Here are some potential TFT Set 5.5 Comps to try on PBE.

Click here for every confirmed champion and their abilities in Set 5.5: Dawn of Heroes

Click here for every new Radiant Item coming with TFT Set 5.5: Dawn of Heroes and what they do

As a quick reminder, these are just test comps, none of them may be viable as the meta shifts and the top comps come out or they could turn into top tier comps. Only time will tell.

Undead Fiddlesticks

Fiddlesticks makes his TFT debut as a powerful 4-cost carry possessing a strong AOE ability that extends its duration when an enemy unit is killed with it. This comp looks to extend Fiddlestick’s ult potential by utilizing his Revenant and Abomination traits. These will help stall the fight and crowd control the enemy team to set up Fiddlesticks for greatness.

The optimal items are pretty subjective at the moment. Radiant Spear of Sojin seems like a solid choice for his presumably high mana cost, Morellonomicon to help reduce healing and provide some burn damage, and Deathcap to amp up his overall damage. Some other good options would be Jeweled Gauntlet, Hextech Gunblade, and Archangel’s Staff.

Sentinel Lucian

A TFT mainstay, Lucian returns with more carry potential than ever before. His ultimate ability, The Culling, scales evenly with both his attack damage and ability power, and the number of shots he takes scales off of his attack speed. So Lucian can fit into a lot of comps and be itemized to counter enemy teams accordingly.

This comp focuses primarily on the Sentinel trait to give Lucian a healthy 100% attack speed bonus to work with and surrounds him with some nice frontline along with some backline access in the form of assassins. The Sentinel trait is a stockpiling trait similar to Redeemed, Dark Star and Dragonsoul, in that the bonus is granted to one unit, in this case the unit with the highest health, and passes it on to the ally with the lowest health.

Items for Lucian can vary greatly due to his versatility. The radiant Hand of Justice seems like a great item for him, as it will grant him 45% bonus attack damage and ability power, and gives him 40% healing off of his attacks. Guinsoo’s Rageblade is great for stacking his attack speed to pair with the Sentinel bonus, and the last item, in this case, Deathblade, is more of just a damage steroid that can be switched out for something like Rabadon’s Deathcap or Infinity Edge.

Jax 2.0 

With the Dragonslayer trait from Set 5 phased out, the Skirmishers comp is looking to update its image to return to power in the new era. This comp is similar to its past iteration, but now adds the Sentinel and Ironclad traits for some extra beef.

Skirmishers are still a diverse cast of units, offering backline access with Nidalee and Viego, frontline protection with Irelia and Lee Sin, and carry potential with Jax. With the new item system, the radiant Rapidfire Cannon looks to be pretty strong, granting a 2-hex bonus attack range and 20% attack speed, allowing Jax to wack away from a safe distance. The Runaan’s Hurricane gives him some nice AOE, and the Bloodthirster’s new shield passive will synergize nicely with the Skirmisher trait.

Reroll Hellions

This comp is reminiscent of the infamous Sharpshooter reroll Tristana comp from set 4.5. This time, Tristana works a little differently. She now leaps to the furthest enemy, gaining attack speed for 4 seconds, and if an enemy is adjacent to her, she will instead leap away from all enemies as far as she can. This new ability gives the player a diversity of positioning choices depending on where they want Tristana to go.

This comp utilizes the Hellion trait to give Tristana a high base attack speed while utilizing the doppelhellions for a faux frontline and to draw aggro away from her. This is a slow-roll comp, so it’s best to save up the gold and try to three-star as many Hellions as possible, prioritizing Tristana.

The radiant item of choice seems to be Guinsoo’s Rageblade, as it grants a staggering 9% attack speed per auto, so that paired with the Hellion bonus and the bonus on her ability will help her reach the cap in no time. Runaan’s Hurricane will help spread out her damage, and Hand of Justice will give her some nice sustain and bonus damage.

Mystic Gwen

TFT Set 5.5 Comps

With the addition of Fiddlesticks and Gwen, the Mystic class seems to have upped their offensive power quite a bit. Expect some “all defensive traits with one hyper carry” comps this set similar to Vanguard Mystic Ahri or Fabled Neeko from sets’ past.

Along with the Mystic trait, Gwen’s unique trait, Inanimate, surrounds her adjacent allies in a mist that grants damage reduction. That along with her insanely strong Snip ability, which deals damage in a cone in front of her, rabidly snipping enemy units shredding armor and magic resist, and deals a percent bonus based off max health, gives her insane carry potential.

Paired along with some extremely tanky units with endless amounts of crowd control, Gwen looks to be a contender for strongest five-cost in the game. The radiant Hand of Justice will give her some nice bonus damage and sustain, Guinsoo’s Rageblade synergizes well with her auto attack-based ability, and Archangel’s Staff will help her become even stronger in drawn-out fights.

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