It is finally here, TFT Set 12 is launching and you are likely going to be wanting to climb the ranks on day one. We have been playing TFT since the playtest and have a few different comps that we believe are worth giving a try. So without further adieu, here are the 3 TFT Set 12 Comps that you need to Try and climb with on Day 1.
[Related: TFT Set 12 Release Date]
3 TFT Set 12 Comps You Should Try
Below is a look at all 3 TFT Set 12 Comps that you need to try. These comps have strong win rates and top 4s over the last few days on the PBE and they were not nerfed too much with the latest patch. Keep in mind that there are a lot of comps that are top tier in the first few days. Things will eventually even out and we will likely be left with about six S-Tier comps.
Shapeshifter Incantor
That is right, Shapeshifter is finally back. This comp was originally in Set 1 and is making a full comeback. It has been one of the more fun comps and sees you rolling for three-stars with the two-cost champions in Shyvana, Cassiopeia and Syndra. Syndra did receive a nerf but not enough to keep you from playing this comp.
To start off you want to use Jayce as your extra Shapeshifter to give you the extra health. If you can get him and Elise to two-star early then you are in a good position. Also if you can only get one of Cassio or Syndra then add in Ziggs until you get better units.
In terms of items you are wanting Rod as much as possible. This gives you Guinsoos, which you likely need two of, but at least one for Cassio along with Gunblade to keep your frontline healthy as she tears through the enemy team. Get a tear item on Syndra and stack Swain and Neeko with tanky items and you are in a good position. This comp is very item reliant, specifically at least the one Guinsoos to get Cassio going. That being said, if you can survive to the endgame and pickup Briar as a Jayce replacement then you are sitting pretty.
Multistriker Kalista
If you looked at the units and abilities and instantly thought that Multistriker coming back was interesting then you are not alone. Before diving too deep into this one, you can replace one or two Multistrikers with a Faerie to give Kalista the Eternal Monarch item. And the other one can be replaced with Xerath for Arcana.
The reason why we picked this variation is that it is much easier to hit as you are working your way through the new set. Guinsoos is a very popular item and again you are going to want at least one on Kalista. Give early items to Ashe though as she can very easily pepper opponents as well. You can also get Ruinaan’s if you would like. You will also want to get an early Titan’s Resolve if you can and put it on Hecarim. Anything after that you can do defensive items on Shen or even Kassadin.
This shouldn’t be an overly contested comp as many people will be scared away by some of the Kalista nerfs. That being said, she still can hit like a truck if your frontline can last. Once she gets going she will rip through your opponents and can carry you straight to victory.
Honey Hunter
Another comp that will attract people initially will be Honeymancy. The units stick out, are cute and the vertical for it is very enticing. Do not get fooled. You want to instead just get the first few units in Blitzcrank, Nunu and Kog’Maw and then pivot to Hunters.
Hunters really get rolling after the first unit is killed and that is where Kog’Maw comes in. You are going to want to get a Last Whisper so that you can more easily get through the first frontline unit. After that Jinx, Trist and even Twitch can start running through the rest of your opponents team. You will want a Guinsoos and you can put it on any of the three units that were previously mentioned but ultimately Jinx makes it work better.
As for the frontline, stack Nunu and then give Olaf offensive items such as Bloodthirster and and Steraks. Olaf is less important than the backline carries so only give him items if you get at least Jinx and Kog stacked. Olaf did receive a buff and can get to the backline very quickly which may be the only way you can get Hunters rolling so if you need that in your lobby then give him an early item. Overall this comp feels like it could be very successful on the TFT Set 12 first patch.
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