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New Dev Update: How it Affects the Florida Mayhem

From March 7, the hero ban consisting of banning one tank, one Support, two DPS each week will be active. On top of that, the 2-2-2 meta is still in play, making it harder for players to actually pick a hero from their hero pool. Meaning the players need to either pick up more heroes…

A Comprehensive History of Overwatch Metas Part 13: Brigitte’s Arrival

Part 13: A Short Respite from the Moth and Brigitte’s Arrival Mercy was heavily nerfed at the beginning of 2018. The instant speed resurrections were toned down, and Valkyrie was made to be much less…ridiculous. This led to her usage dropping quite a bit. Mercy was still seeing a ton of play, but she wasn’t…

A Comprehensive History of Overwatch Metas Part 12: It’s Mercy’s World, We’re Just Living in it

Part 12: Mercy’s Newfound Power and a New Style of Dive. Blizzard did end up toning down Mercy a little bit after she had proven to be a nigh mandatory pick, but this didn’t really dent her usage at all. What made Mercy so good was the consistent bringing back of her teammates. One of…

Overwatch’s Best While-You-Wait Game Modes

Lately, there has been a lot of talk about DPS queue times. The conversation had somewhat quieted down with the addition of ‘while-you-wait.’ But Jeff Kaplan’s massive forum post regarding internal testing of a 1-3-2 system brought this issue back to light. While the developers are looking for more permanent solutions, here are some of…

The Best Heroes in Overwatch’s New Capture the Flag: Blitz Arcade Mode

Overwatch’s 2020 Lunar New Year event is in full swing, offering players several new skins and cosmetics as well as a new live patch to play on. But, this year’s event also offers players the opportunity to play a new game mode called Capture the Flag: Blitz. This new Arcade mode is very similar to…

Overwatch’s Latest Patch Hits Live Servers Earlier Than Usual Alongside Lunar Event

Overwatch Patch 1.44 hit live servers today, just one week after hitting the PTR. Typically patch notes have 2-3 weeks on the PTR to be adjusted, however, these notes are now live to coincide with Overwatch’s Lunar New Year Event that started today. As a reminder, these patch notes change the flight frequency of D.Va,…

All of the Skins and Other Cosmetic Items in Overwatch’s 2020 Lunar New Year Event

Overwatch’s Lunar New Year event is live and in full swing. But, like most of Overwatch’s events, one of the most exciting parts of an event going live isn’t the Arcade modes or the map aesthetic changes, it’s the new skins and cosmetics that come along with them. And while the new skins may have…

Overwatch Lunar New Year Event: Everything you Need to Know to get Started

Yesterday, Overwatch announced that it’s Lunar New Year event would be going live today and, unfortunately, all of the events skins were leaked. But, lucky for players, there is still more to do with this year’s Lunar event, here’s everything you need to know before you log in and download the update. When is it…

Overwatch’s Lunar New Year Skins Leaked, Include Skins for Sombra, Moria, Lucio and More

[Update: Overwatch’s 2020 Lunar New Year event is now live! Check out all of the new skins, emotes and other cosmetic items here!] On both the official Overwatch Twitter header image and via @OverwatchNaeri, it appears that some, if not all, of this year’s Lunar New Year skins have been leaked. Today it was confirmed…

Overwatch’s Lunar New Year Event Will Begin Tomorrow, No New Skins Teased

It was announced today in a trailer on Twitter that Overwatch’s annual Lunar New Year event will begin tomorrow, January 16 and will end on February 5. The official teaser announcement, featuring Hanzo, can be seen below. Get ready to ring in the Year of the 🐀! Overwatch’s Lunar New Year festivities begin tomorrow! pic.twitter.com/bszNJheHDt…

When Will Overwatch’s Latest PTR Patch Notes go Live?

[1/16 Update: Overwatch’s Latest Patch Hits Live Servers Earlier Than Usual Alongside Lunar Event] Patch Notes 1.44 went live on Overwatch’s PTR a few days ago on January 9. These patch notes look to be somewhat impactful, bringing nerfs to several of the key meta heroes right now, including Baptiste and Mei. These changes, from…

Overwatch’s Latest PTR Patch Notes Nerf Several of Overwatch’s Most Powerful Heroes

Just one day after developers responded on Blizzard forums stating that changes to Baptiste and Mei were coming, Overwatch’s PTR Patch Notes were released. PTR Patch Notes 1.44 will tentatively address six heroes: Baptiste, Mei, D.Va, Orisa, Hanzo and Doomfist. The changes can be seen in their entirety in the image below, clipped from Blizztrack.com:…

Overwatch Developers Respond to Community Backlash, Claim Changes to Mei and Baptiste are Coming

On the Blizzard forums today, January 8, Overwatch Developer Josh Noh responded at length to the community backlash over his initial post on power creep. In this post, Noh claimed that he felt Overwatch wasn’t “anywhere close” to being at a point of significant power creep, citing several heroes win-rates in Grand Master rank. This…

January 2020 Overwatch Tier List: Competitive Season 20

[The February 2020 Tier List reflecting the latest hero rankings is here! Click on this link to check out the updated rankings for Season 20 and Patch] New year, new Overwatch. 2020 Serves to be a massive year for the game, likely bringing with it the debut of Overwatch 2 and the release of…

A Comprehensive History of Overwatch Metas Part 7: DPS Redemption

Part 7: The Revenge of DPS and Experimentation The aforementioned nerfs to D.Va and Ana did shake up the meta, although it didn’t have quite as much effect as many had hoped. Ana may not have been as good at healing 4 tanks, but she could still handle three with relative ease, and she could…

Update: CarCar Signed to ATL Academy in 2020, Reign Signing a Different Main Support for 2020 Season

Minutes ago, The Game Haus reported that former Fusion University main support player Carson “CarCar” First had signed with the Atlanta Reign. This has since been revealed to have been a false report due to conflicting reports from multiple sources. New information has been made available that CarCar had once planned to sign with the…

Sources: CarCar has Signed With the Atlanta Reign

[Update: This report has been updated here. CarCar was intended to be signed by the Reign previously, but circumstances led to him being signed to their academy team and another main support being signed to the Reign.] League sources confirmed today that former Fusion University main support player Carson “CarCar” First has signed with the…

A Comprehensive History of Overwatch Metas Part 5: Tanks for Days

Part 5: Tanks for Days Intensifies and the Rise of Soldier Overwatch esports was on the rise at this point. With the OWWC, as well as APEX, it was a good time to be a fan of Professional Overwatch. Ironically, the meta during this time was one of the most hated in the history of…

December 2019 Overwatch Tier List (Updated with Patch 1.43)

[The January 2020 Tier List Reflecting the Latest Hero Rankings is here! Click on this link to check out the updated rankings for Season 20.] December is a busy time for Overwatch, this month being no exception. This month has brought players a seasonal event in Winter Wonderland and has changed the meta through the…

A Comprehensive History of Overwatch Metas Part Two: Full Release

Part Two: Hero Limit Debates, Hitscan Nerfs, and the God Comp The game was released, to massive success. But it was just business as usual at the pro level, which meant a whole lot of McCree, and a whole lot of Lucio. Mercy also became a staple, due to teams recognizing how good team resurrection…
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