tft tips – All Articles
TFT: Fates brought a whole different way to play the game. Some players may be having trouble picking up the basics when it comes to spending and saving gold. If one struggles with this, then this guide is for them. Here is a detailed look at when to level and when to econ in TFT:…
Having trouble climbing out of a current rank? Want to know what the pros are doing every game? Maybe just unsure how to play the new set? Here are five more tips that can help players achieve their goals in TFT: Fates. Check back regularly for more tip guides. Missed the last Tip guide? Click…
With a brand new set comes an influx of new and returning players looking to climb the ladder ranks again or just dominate their friends. Regardless of what a player’s end goal is, some new information could be of use. Here are five tips that can help players improve at TFT: Fates. 1. Know the…
Teamfight Tactics and the auto chess genre as a whole can take some getting used to for newer players. Getting the names of the champs and items can be a task of its own and that doesn’t even include the time it takes to master strategy and understand the deeper intricacies of the game. But,…