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Hearthstone Card Rotation Analysis: Rogue

Rogues got a pretty good couple of years. They had reasonably viable tempo, aggro and combo decks with a wide spread of playstyles. From Quest and Miracle to Odd and Tempo, there’s been plenty of options. But how does the future look for one of Hearthstone’s trickiest classes? Will Rogues survive the card rotation? Un’goro:…

Hearthstone Card Rotation Analysis: Shaman

It’s a weird time to be talking about Shaman. Since the Shudderwock nerf, it’s fallen massively in popularity. Now, it’s barely above Druid in playrate. On the plus side, it’s one remaining popular archetype is an enviably potent Midrange deck. But as with every class, the upcoming rotation brings both uncertainty and opportunity. Can Shaman…

Hearthstone: How Hunter got to #1

It only feels like yesterday that Hunter was the lowest of the low. Back in the Gadgetzan meta, it tied with Paladin for the worst class. Over the past couple of years, Hunter has come back with a vengeance. Though it has had its low points, Hunter has achieved an apotheosis of ladder dominance and…

Hearthstone: How Rumble Run’s Problems Mirror Constructed

Rumble Run is the newest solo adventure for Hearthstone. While new content is always welcome, it’s a bit of a letdown for many. Despite its unique gameplay, the Rumble Run experience is a touch flat and often frustrating. It’s always disappointing when an adventure doesn’t live up to its potential. But the most worrying part…

Hearthstone: Is Kingsbane the New Quest Rogue?

The impact of Rastakhan on the meta is hard to assess. So far, the new cards seem to have a hard time making a bit impact on the established meta. One of the exceptions is the new Rogue spell, Raiding Party. This 3 mana tutoring effect has single-handedly revitalised Kingsbane Rogue. But is Kingsbane just…

Hearthstone: Can Rastakhan’s Dragons Fix Polarization?

Hearthstone’s Control decks have a big polarization problem. Odd Warrior, Big Spell Mage and their ilk have a huge range of massively favored and unfavored matchups. But, unlike these decks, Control Priest has a relatively even spread. Aside from one or two archetypes, almost all of the Priest’s matchups are in the 60-40 range. Even…

How to bring back Tempo Warrior

Warrior seems to be back where it was during the Grand Tournament. Master of anti-aggro, it languishes behind Tank Up!, with very few other viable archetypes. But Warrior has rarely been this one-dimensional. Frequently, more pro-active Warriors emerged. Utilising strong mid-range minions and tempo removal tools like weapons and pre-nerf execute, the deck sought to…

Why Blizzard nerfed Mana Wyrm instead of Druid

The long-awaited Boomsday balance changes are here, with some predictable targets but surprisingly limited scope. Out of a laundry list of community targets only three were chosen. The all-but-certain Giggling Inventor, the wild-specific Aviana, and the Classic terror and Tempo Mage bedrock of Mana Wyrm. Notably, there was essentially nothing that reduced the relative power…

Hearthstone: Fungalmancer or Unfungalmancer?

The ever popular Hearthstone streamer Octavian “Kripparrian” Morosan is never afraid of giving his thoughts on Hearthstone’s design. Recently, he released a video detailing his suggestions for the most problematic cards. High among them was the second most popular 5 drop in the game: Fungalmancer. But is this omnipresent buff card truly a problem? The…

Hearthstone’s 2-drop problem

Where have all the good 2-drops gone? That’s a question many players ask themselves whilst sifting through their collection. While no one wants pre-nerf Knife Juggler back, it’s undeniable that there are few good pro-active turn two plays for many classes. With control tools and sustain getting ever stronger, is this lack of good early…

Hearthstone: The Best Aggro Cards of the Boomsday Facebook Dump

Not every card gets a flashy reveal. Blizzard leaves a significant proportion of every expansion to the last minute, revealing all the last cards unceremoniously on their offical site and Facebook page. These cards are rarely too exciting; usually just a few swapped stats and the odd minor synergy. However, some end up as the…

More high-cost minions should be Taunts

Ever see a cool, high-cost minion revealed and think something along the lines of: “Dang, that’s a cool effect. If only I could reliably play it without dying”. You see it on all sorts of expensive legendaries; Splintergraft, Tyrantus, Blackhowl Gunspire and Emeriss come to mind. It sucks to have so many cool and interesting…

Witchwood: A rock-paper-scissors meta?

Have you ever seen what deck your opponent is playing, realised you have no chance to win and had the urge to instantly concede? If so, you’re not alone. The meta has thrown up a number of extremely polarizing matchups that create extremely rock-paper-scissors style situations. If you try and counter Paladin with Control Warrior,…

Lessons for Legendary Quests

Legendary Quests were one of the standout features of Un’goro. After the rotation of the Blackrock Mountain, The Grand Tournament and League of Explorers, Quests helped to create unique decks and playstyles in the relatively limited card pool. Now almost a year after Un’goro, it might be time to look again at quests. What worked…

Warrior needs to revive the spirit of Patron

As has been said many times before, Warrior is in a bad spot. After almost a year of almost nothing but Pirate being viable, now even that steadfast archetype fell to the Patches and Fiery War Axe nerfs. Set rotation and a new expansion brings hope, but what does Warrior need? It might be time…

Where’s all the weapon removal?

Kobolds and Catacomb’s Legendary weapons were meant to have a fatal flaw. Many thought this new influx of anti-weapon tech would counter powerful items. Oozes, Harrisons and Bloodsail Corsairs should have crushed their dreams. But despite numerous Legendary weapons being extremely powerful options, weapon removal has not been a big part of the meta. So…

Kobolds and Catacombs Day 1 Deck Theorycrafting

The next Hearthstone expansion, Kobolds and Catacombs, has finally been released. In the reveal season, we saw many powerful and fun cards that are coming out with the set. But, which of these cards fit into existing decks? What new decks are coming into the meta? The Meta Dragon Priest In past expansions, Dragon Priest…

One year on, we’re still in Gadgetzan

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan came out over a year ago, but we’re still in its grip. The defining Gadgetzan tools of Jade, Highlander and Pirates dominate the meta. Four legendaries tell the story of how the expansion dominates every facet of Standard. Indeed, almost 50 percent of decks on ladder have at least one of…

Lessons of the Princes

When it comes to the royalty of Knights of the Frozen Throne, the King gets all the attention. But whilst the Lich King was the headline act, the Princes have had a surprisingly forceful impact on the meta. Despite the initial panning they received, some of the Princes have come to support or even define…

Filling the post-nerf power vacuum

Hearthstone’s upcoming 9.1 balance changes are a shotgun blast into the top tiers of ladder. Besides Priest, the changes will impact every tier one deck. Pirate Warrior, Jade Druid, Aggro Druid and Murloc Paladin all suffer substantial nerfs to core, deck-defining cards. With the top dogs all cowed, who will rise to take their place?…
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