Tempo – All Articles
Tempo Storm announced a merchandise expansion that includes various graphic t-shirts created in collaboration with several international artists. Printed on 100% recycled cotton and made in Los Angeles, the apparel will explore streaming, gaming, and internet culture with artists that have inspired the Tempo team. The Details The first collaboration will kick off with designs…
Blizzard’s answer to the hot new auto-battler genre is here in Hearthstone Battlegrounds. 8 players duke it out over multiple rounds to clash auto-attacking boards, trying to defeat their opponents and build the ultimate set of minions. While the minions, interactions and combat are largely similar to traditional Hearthstone, you’d be surprised at how different…
Shaman is pretty good right now. Between killer early game Murlocs, powerful evolve effects and massive Quest value, the class can go toe-to-toe with the best. Aggro Shaman dominates the early game, while Quest and Control Shaman deliver massive late-game value. But with all this power, it’s hard to remember what exactly Shaman’s weakness is…
Priest is strong. After a rocky start to the Saviors of Uldum meta, the class settled into a world-beating combo deck. With a focus on healing and buffing minions with cheap spells, the deck boasts explosive openings and devastating finishers. The power of the deck can render it frustrating to play against. It feels like…
Uldum is here, and Control Warrior is already dampening the fun. Creative new decks are struggling to defeat the waves of Rush mechs from Doctor Boom, Mad Genius. Control lists are largely unchanged bar an occasional taunt package, but still see great success. But there is an archetype saving Warrior from overpowered stagnation. Tempo Warrior…
Two drops aren’t what they were. When it comes to efficiently making a pro-active play on turn two, chances are you aren’t playing a two-cost card. Either you’re coining a three drop, playing a one drop or two, or just hero-powering and calling it a day. Sure, you might tempo out the odd Sorcerer’s Apprentice…
The latest card revealed for Shaman form Saviors of Uldum looks incredibly powerful. Plague of Murlocs is a 3 mana spell that transforms every minion in play into a random Murloc. This is, in two words, ludicrously powerful. The power of Plague of Murlocs speaks to a broader problem, one that could lead to Shamanstone’s…
We barely have a dozen revealed cards for Saviors of Uldum, but they’re looking great. With rebooted Quests and new mechanics, it’ll be a deckbuilder’s dream. But sometimes the best combos come from deceptively old-school cards. ‘BEEEES!!!’ is an upcoming 3 mana Druid spell that summons four 1/1 Bees to attack a target. This may…
Both players are hunched over, gazing intently at their screens. The game that they played for the past 50 minutes will soon be at an end. Suddenly, a familiar battlecry rings out: “Save the best till last!”. With a sigh, Ryan ‘Purple’ Murphy-Root holds up eight fingers. That’s the eighth Omega Devastator this game, and…
It’s hard not to be excited about Saviors of Uldum’s new Quests. It’s been more than two years since we first saw them in Journey to Un’goro, and they still hold a special place in many players hearts. With their unique conditions and powerful rewards, they present a refreshing gameplay and deckbuilding challenge. However, many…
Everybody playing Hearthstone is familiar with ‘Created by’. It’s the two words that appear when your opponent plays a game winning card out of nowhere. Random card generation effects are incredibly prevalent in this meta, and ‘Created by’ has a huge impact on Ladder and tournaments. Just on one day, you can watch David ‘Dog’…
The Rise of the Mechs is here, and with it comes a new mechanical powerhouse: Sn1p-Sn4p. This three mana 2/3 may look unassuming, but it’s quickly risen to the second most popular card on ladder. With its unique combination of powerful effects, it sees play even in non-Mech decks. But what is it that makes…
Back in Rastakhan’s Rumble, Dragon Warrior looked like the future. With strong, synergistic effects tied to efficient minions, Dragons looked to push Warrior away from its overly-reactive and polarising playstyle. But just one expansion later, Dragons are all but forgotten. Mechs now run the show. Out of the dozen or so Warriors are the Hearthstone…
Twinspell is one of the standout mechanics of Rise of Shadows. Twinspell cards have double the value that they first appear to. In return, they are typically lower in tempo than you might expect. Despite this, Twinspell cards form the core of several top-tier decks. Conjurer’s Calling defines Khadgar Mage, Both of Druid’s Twinspells are…
The robot takeover took a while, but it’s finally taken hold. Between Paladin, Hunter and Warrior, Mechs are a huge part of the meta. Their magnetic abilities and reactive power means they’ve taken the mantle as midrange value engine of choice. Of course, with a weaker card pool, their success has a lot less competition.…
The Rise of Shadows meta is maturing nicely, with strong archetypes beginning to dominate. Among the most powerful are Token Druid and Carpet Zoo Warlock. Both of these decks repeatedly fill the board with waves of small minions. They might not seem too scary on their own, but then a Grim Rally, Savage Roar, Soul…
The last cards of the expansion are revealed, and it’s time to cower in fear. Not since the days of Mysterious Challenger has Secret Paladin looked so terrifying. With brutally efficient early plays and flexible mid-game options, it’s looking like Aggro will get its teeth into those early experimental decks in truly old-school fashion. But…
Of all the mana slots in Hearthstone, two mana cards used to be the most vital. As any Arena player will tell you, two-drops are the cornerstone of pro-active gameplans. But Hearthstone’s two-drops, once the most common cards, are becoming rarer and rarer. Between Keleseth, Odd decks and OTK, there are fewer and fewer reasons…
Hunter’s rise was slow but steady. In Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, it tied with Paladin for the worst class. However, things gradually got better for Rexxar fans. Now it sits at the top of the tree, with a number of dominating decks showing good representation and winrates across ranks. But that tree is due for…
Mage has had a hell of a time these past few expansions. With new cards creating whole new archetypes and others winking from existence by nerfs and a changing meta, Mage is always in flux. The top archetypes now are completely unrecognisable from their forebears from a couple of years ago. But with so much…