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Meta has thrown its hat in the virtual reality ring for a while now seeing two headset iterations. The company comes back hitting the competition hard with the announcement of the Meta Quest 3. There are a lot of promises being made this time around, especially since the company claims the Quest 3 to be…
CLG is doing something new with its equipment sponsorship in 2020. They are expanding their partnership with online technology retailer Newegg, who will become CLG’s PC, monitor and peripheral provider, as well as a presenting partner. CLG’s jerseys for League of Legends and Fortnite, the CLG Performance Center and all digital platforms will feature Newegg…
The Rise of Shadows meta is maturing nicely, with strong archetypes beginning to dominate. Among the most powerful are Token Druid and Carpet Zoo Warlock. Both of these decks repeatedly fill the board with waves of small minions. They might not seem too scary on their own, but then a Grim Rally, Savage Roar, Soul…
In most fighting games, movement is a crucial element of the games neutral game. Games like Guilty Gear and Dragon Ball FigtherZ rely heavily on capitalizing out of dashes to both punish and mix up the opponent. It adds an extra layer that gives the player a bunch of options, making the game way more…
Odd Paladin is arguably the best deck in the game right now. With stunning win rates across the board, its power is undoubtedly substantial in tournaments and on ladder. A friend of mine, an arena player who rarely if ever dabbles in constructed, rocketed to Legend with it in just a few days after months…
When the best players in the world compete, it’s worth paying attention. High-level tournament play is worth watching not only for the drama and spectacle, but also for vital insights in optimising decision making. But while you can gain a lot from the top players, you shouldn’t take everything. ‘Netdecking’ the exact lists used in…
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is less than four months away, and as Smash 4 winds down, Super Smash Bros. Melee fans are sure their game will hold its own. Will Melee survive the coming of Ultimate? Or will it lose all it has built? Melee is already 17 years old, yet it still carries a massive…
Science experiments mean repeating the conditions across both the test and the control groups. Boomsday’s science “Projects” are no different, and are one of the few examples of truly symmetrical effects in Hearthstone. Sure you have minions that give both players a bonus, but the Projects have no body attached. Both sides get exactly the…
Times are rough for Control decks. As well as having to contend with the likes of Quest Rogue and Spiteful Druid, any aspiring late-game deck must be able to deal with hordes of Warlock decks. But however daunting the task may be, there are strategies to deal with both Cube and Control Warlocks as slow…
Witchwood is finally out, and amongst all the experimentation, one deck in particular is drawing complaints. From the noise made on various discussion forums, you’d imagine Shudderwock Shaman was an unstoppable monster. And while that may be literally true for its win condition, the deck itself is far from strong. According to, the deck…
Kobolds and Catacomb’s Legendary weapons were meant to have a fatal flaw. Many thought this new influx of anti-weapon tech would counter powerful items. Oozes, Harrisons and Bloodsail Corsairs should have crushed their dreams. But despite numerous Legendary weapons being extremely powerful options, weapon removal has not been a big part of the meta. So…
Hearthstone’s incoming round of balance changes are as wide-ranging as they are unusual. Unlike the Gadgetzan patch a year ago, the balance team chose not to leave soon-rotating cards untouched. Surprising many, they instead focused three of their four nerfs on cards from previous sets. Corridor Creeper, Raza, Bonemare and of course Patches will soon…
Kobolds and Catacombs, Hearthstone’s upcoming expansion, is all about treasure. Among the fantastical trophies are new Legendary weapons. With one per class, it will give even non-weapon classes powerful options. But these unique cards have an Achilles’ heel. There are a very limited number of incredibly potent Weapon removal cards in Hearthstone. With tech so…
Strong neutrals can define metas, and Knights of the Frozen Throne was no exception. From headline eight drops to snowballing dragons, the expansion’s most powerful neutral cards have all shaped the expansion’s most impactful decks. While Death Knights and Jades stole the show, these cards have been quietly working in the background to warp the…
Druid has taken over the metagame. Vicious Syndicate puts the class at roughly 50% of some ranks’ population. While Aggro and Midrange Taunt variants have seen success, by far the most popular variant is Jade. Massively improved by Druid’s new anti-aggro and draw tools, Jade’s infinite threats are hard to beat. Supposedly, Knights of the…
Knights of the Frozen Throne is mere hours from NA release at the time of writing. Theorycrafting is in full swing, and players are eager to unleash their shiny new cards and decks upon the ladder. Others are greedily seizing upon the opportunity to climb with last meta’s most efficient decks. It’s a perfect time…
We’ve all been there. You have exactly the cards you want in your latest deck; but suddenly someone comes along with a cool tech or genius inclusion that would work perfectly. The problem is, you only have 30 card slots. How do you make the painful decision of what card to cut? The answer is…
Tech cards are crucial to a balanced meta. Should any one strategy become overwhelmingly powerful, smart players can add these powerful but situational tools to boost their winrate and help keep the flavor of the month in check. Cards like Harrison Jones for Weapons, Hungry Crab for Murlocs, Big Game Hunter for high-attack minions, and…