Swampqueen Hagatha
Swampqueen Hagatha – All Articles
During a meta that has become dominated by Cyclone Mages and Mech Hunters, Murloc Shaman puts itself in a position to shine. Murloc Shaman is able to establish wide board presence early against decks that don’t have answers or come back on board. Card Inclusions The core cards of this deck are the primary Murlocs.…
The newest adventure in Hearthstone, The Dalaran Heist, has been out for several weeks. Currently, there are three chapters available. These adventures at first seemed incredible promising. But, as more came out, there were a few disappointments coming up. Overall, the adventure is excellent but needs some improvements. Variety One of the biggest things Blizzard…
Solo Adventures have changed a lot over the years. First, there were adventures that you had to pay to play with it releasing part by part. Each part that you complete would give you a card or packs. Then, it went to a free-to-play version where the reward was a card back. Now, it is…
As we get closer to the Rise of Shadows, we see new cards being revealed nearly every day. The newest cards revealed are a couple of class Legendary minions and a spell. We will take a look at how Swampqueen Hagatha, Oblivitron, and Lazul’s Scheme could impact the meta. Swampqueen Hagatha A new Shaman Legendary…