SR – All Articles
The Priority Pass is Overwatch’s most recent attempt to decrease queue times, especially for the DPS role. Since the introduction of the 2-2-2 role lock, DPS has seen significantly higher queue times than the Support and Tank role. The Priority Pass aims to encourage flexing to other roles and it rewards this with a ‘cut…
Overwatch will be having more updates and changes to the game than ever before. This is not something that fans are used to so it may be tough to keep up with everything that is going on. Luckily The Game Haus is here to help make sure that you know exactly what is happening in…
When Role Queue was added to the game, it added a much-needed structure to the ranked Competitive Play in Overwatch. However, opponents of the system argued that it would stifle creativity of team compositions. The 3-3 GOATs meta, despite its dominance for over a year, was in fact an incredible display of teamwork and strategy…
The Overwatch team have added a new competitive game mode to the Overwatch Arcade called Competitive Open Queue. The mode allows players to play competitive games with no role lock or hero pools similar to how the game was structured before the August 3rd, 2019 patch. Players can still earn SR to unlock golden weapons…
Before free agency officially begins, TGH will be giving you our picks for the top free agents at every position in 2020. Keep in mind, these are our opinions for the top players and will not list every free agent. As of writing, all of the players listed are currently still un-signed. Next up in…
With the first full competitive role queue season a week away, players can finally play damage Heroes to their heart’s content. No more GOATs. No more five DPS compositions. And no more being forced to heal when the mood strikes to click on some heads. Now players can queue up, wait an extra minute or…