Sigma OW – All Articles
Beginning today, players will be able to play Overwatch’s 31st hero live on Overwatch’s main servers, along with the all-new Role Queue Beta. Each of these has been available in the PTR for several weeks for players to test out and get familiar with. But now, in their entirety, each is fully accessible on both…
Overwatch’s newest eccentric scientist, Sigma, has just joined an elite company. He now, along with the other 30 heroes in Overwatch, has his own Spotify playlist courtesy of Ryan Patrick. Patrick has been making Spotify playlists for the new heroes each time they have been released after spending a year getting the initial batch prepared.…
With the official release of Sigma just having come through in the past few weeks, it’s now time to have a closer look at Overwatch’s newest Talon brainiac in his fullness. Now that they are all on the PTR, here are all of Sigma’s current skins in order of rarity: Rare Epic Legendary Sigma’s skins…
Yesterday, July 25, there was an announcement that revealed a host of details concerning the 2019 OWL Season Playoffs. One of the headlining details is that Sigma, Overwatch’s newest hero, will be playable in the season playoffs. For the league, the meta and the players, the implications of this decision are massive, to say the…
Right after Seagull went on stream with Jeff Kaplan to unveil the new character and first reveal his weapon, abilities and ultimate, Sigma was released on the PTR. He is now officially live to play, with No Limits being added in to facilitate gameplay of the new hero. Seagull is currently streaming the new hero…