sigma abilities – All Articles
This competitive season has felt quite a bit different than most, and for good reason. Not only has the game undergone one of the single biggest changes in its life with 2-2-2 role lock, but Sigma has also been thrown directly into the mix. Overwatch’s 31st hero has been planted directly into this pseudo competitive…
Right after Seagull went on stream with Jeff Kaplan to unveil the new character and first reveal his weapon, abilities and ultimate, Sigma was released on the PTR. He is now officially live to play, with No Limits being added in to facilitate gameplay of the new hero. Seagull is currently streaming the new hero…
It’s official, Sigma is Overwatch’s 31st and newest hero. With the announcement coming on stream with Seagull, fans were able to see a taste of his weapon, abilities and ultimate and understand a bit more about who Sigma really is. With more details now out about the new character, here is a more in-depth look…