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Quest Shaman Deck Spotlight

Quest Shaman is far and away the most popular deck on the Standard ladder. It’s typically included in most Grandmasters lineups as well. The deck has to play differently depending on what it is matched up against. At its core it is a deck that wants to play cards on curve and then look for…

Top 5 Impactful Saviors of Uldum Cards

Saviors of Uldum has been out for a while now and has given definitive data about the impact of its cards. The new Quests really shook up the meta hard, with the most popular deck archetypes being Quest decks. The top five most impactful Saviors of Uldum cards are those that have shaped the meta…

5 Post-Mage Nerf Decks on the Rise

With the latest nerfs, Mage were hit the hardest. They lack a single archetype with an over 50 percent win rate. Because of this, other decks that play for value can finally come into the spotlight. Mage could out-value any deck that plays for value, but slow moving decks like those using Quests can beat…

Hearthstone Masters Tour Seoul Day 1

The second of three Masters Tour events is underway this weekend in Seoul, South Korea. This tournament is very wild in terms of meta, coming just 10 days after the release of Saviors of Uldum. There’s been plenty of upsets so far in Masters Tour Seoul Day 1 due to this, and some lesser known…

Best Card in Each Class in Saviors of Uldum

Each class in Saviors of Uldum will be receiving 10 new cards to play. Of course, only so many will see play in viable meta decks. Some classes are receiving a lot more help than others, in what appears to be an attempt to bring more balance to the game. Let’s see what the big…

Saviors of Uldum Quests From Best to Worst

Saviors of Uldum Quests all provide a hero power reward, with some being much better than others. This is much like past Quests, though it feels like all Quests should be playable considering their Legendary status. You sacrifice a card in the ddeck, and a card in your opening hand in order to play them.…

Summoning Highkeeper Ra in Saviors of Uldum

The Hearthstone team have revealed a new combo similar to playing the Old Blood of the Ancient Ones in order to summon The Ancient One. This time we have Highkeeper Ra, who must be summoned by having seven Mogu Cultists on board. When Highkeeper Ra is somehow summoned, he is a 20/20 that does 20…

Will Plague of Murlocs cause a Plague of Shamans?

The latest card revealed for Shaman form Saviors of Uldum looks incredibly powerful. Plague of Murlocs is a 3 mana spell that transforms every minion in play into a random Murloc. This is, in two words, ludicrously powerful. The power of Plague of Murlocs speaks to a broader problem, one that could lead to Shamanstone’s…

Shaman and Paladin Saviors of Uldum Cards Look Strong

The Hearthstone team have had a steady reveal of Saviors of Uldum cards over the past couple weeks. Of those shown so far, Shaman and Paladin Saviors of Uldum cards look to be meta changing. Both classes have been suffering from the lack of a top tier deck during the Rise of Shadows expansion, but…

Hearthstone: Beat Blackrock Mountain

The Fire Fest-E.V.I.L. is under way and players are scrambling to beat the Tavern Brawl Dungeon Crawl to get all the packs and the golden cards by beating the game in a certain time. Racing against the clock and winning can be incredibly challenging. So what are the best strategies for winning against this Dungeon?…

Hearthstone: How to Tech Against Tokens in Rise of Shadows

The Rise of Shadows meta is maturing nicely, with strong archetypes beginning to dominate. Among the most powerful are Token Druid and Carpet Zoo Warlock. Both of these decks repeatedly fill the board with waves of small minions. They might not seem too scary on their own, but then a Grim Rally, Savage Roar, Soul…

Hearthstone Card Reveals: Swampqueen Hagatha, Oblivitron and Lazul’s Scheme

As we get closer to the Rise of Shadows, we see new cards being revealed nearly every day. The newest cards revealed are a couple of class Legendary minions and a spell. We will take a look at how Swampqueen Hagatha, Oblivitron, and Lazul’s Scheme could impact the meta. Swampqueen Hagatha A new Shaman Legendary…

Hearthstone: Best Ladder Decks for February Nerfs

The February balance update is now live. We are going to see a slight meta shift in the coming weeks leading into the HCT Winter Championship. Some of the popular decks that are unaffected by these changes are going to nudge their way up the tier lists. Here we look at a few of the…

Hearthstone: How February Card Nerfs Impact Meta

On February 5, four Classic and Basic cards will be nerfed along with one other card. The Classic and Basic sets are a part of Hearthstone’s “Evergreen” set meaning they will always be in the Standard rotation. The balance team thought these changes were necessary so that the cards did not feel like “auto-includes” in…

Hearthstone: The Problem with Endless Classic Nerfs

A new, unexpected round of nerfs are coming in. While shake-ups to the meta are usually welcome, the most recent changes revealed a controversial trend. Blizzard is explicitly targeting class cards that it deems to be too persistent over too long a period of time. But is this the the right way forward? What problems…

Hearthstone: How Peanut Shaman Upset Competition at EU Playoffs

Hearthstone pro and 2019 World Championship qualifier Torben “Viper” Wahl qualified for the Winter Championship through the recent European Playoffs. What was so impressive about his run was his unusual assortment of decks, especially his home brewed Peanut Shaman. Why Peanut Shaman Exists When testing decks for playoffs, Viper and his companions decided on a…

Hearthstone Card Rotation Analysis: Shaman

It’s a weird time to be talking about Shaman. Since the Shudderwock nerf, it’s fallen massively in popularity. Now, it’s barely above Druid in playrate. On the plus side, it’s one remaining popular archetype is an enviably potent Midrange deck. But as with every class, the upcoming rotation brings both uncertainty and opportunity. Can Shaman…

Hearthstone: Takeaways from the Specialist Showdown

Over the weekend, Tempo Storm hosted the Hearthstone Specialist Showdown. We got a look at what class experts think are the best deck archetypes within their class. We got to see how certain classes directly interacted with each other over the course of multiple games and with different tech inclusions. Some players decided to focus…

Hearthstone: First Hearthstone Masters Invitational Results

The first Hearthstone Masters tournaments occurred this past Saturday. The tournament is a nice little bonus to the top players with a $5,000 prize pool paying out to the top four players. This is the second event to take place after the December nerfs, and the first event for these players. Casper “Hunterace” Notto walked…

Hearthstone: How December Balance Update Impacts Meta

The recent December balance update comes right after the first Tour Stop of Rastakhan’s Rumble. It has huge meta implications for the near and far future. The update comes as a bit of surprise with no prior announcement. Druid is Dead At first glance, Druid appears to have been completely torn apart by the nerfs.…
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