scrims – All Articles
The experimental card roundtable stream was interesting for the Overwatch community. It was especially significant for the Seoul Dynasty fans to see that Jongryeol ‘Saebyeolbe’ Park be a part of the roundtable. The only other Overwatch League players as panelists were Indy ‘Space’ Halpern as well as Terence ‘SoOn’ Tarlier. He was the representative, it…
The 2020 LCS Summer Split Playoffs wrap up this weekend, with TSM facing Team Liquid, and the winner taking on FlyQuest in the Finals. The Game Haus’ Thomas Baker had the opportunity to talk with Santorin ahead of his second straight Finals appearance. They discussed All-Pro awards, FlyQuest’s MVP, his veteran resurgence, and who he…
The 2020 Overwatch League Playoffs begin this week. In the Asian Playoff Bracket, the first game is between the Chengdu Hunters and the London Spitfire. Even though they might not be able to deliver the highest level of Overwatch the League has to offer this year, a battle between two low seeded teams can be…
Zikz, Head Coach of 100 Thieves, gave TheGameHaus some insight into the end of Spring Split, team cohesion, coaching through COVID-19, and working with PapaSmithy. Here is a brief interview with him at the start of the 2020 LCS Summer Split. Rob (TGH): What would you say was the biggest factor during your guys’ rise through…
In its infancy, the League esports scene was very different from how it is today. Back then, teams could be formed at any time by a group of five players with a desire to compete. There was no franchising, but instead a circuit of tournaments hosted by a variety of organizers. Even the idea of…
Since the World Cup finals came out, Fortnite’s scoring system has changed. As such, it is important to adapt to the new system and adjust to the meta. Even though the scoring will be different in the World Cup, players will have to switch up styles to grab a qualifying spot. Since kills are so…
With the release of Arena, players are in a race to the top. Battling through divisions in order to be the best, players of all skill levels are taking part. With three divisions to progress through, the skill-based competitive playlist consists of players of all levels trying to get hype points. The higher the division…
In a game of Fortnite, players run into all different kinds of play styles. Each player has a unique way of playing and with it, a unique way of being beaten. Dealing with different player types will help to understand how to defeat a lot of these common playstyles. Nearly every player can fit into…
Fortnite is doing more and more to ramp up the competitive scene. For the players, that means learning how to play a more competitive style and refining their skills. Maximizing points in competitive modes allows players to get the most of the allotted games and really climb the leaderboards. Most players in the early stages…
A new wave of mobility is replacing vehicles in Fortnite. When season eight was released days ago, Epic finally listened and put planes into the vault. Shopping carts and the all-terrain cart have also been vaulted, leaving a whole new system in place. Cannons, volcanic vents and the volcano all provide a great way to…
Ever since Fortnite overhauled public matches, players are storming through kills. Now that players are awarded health with each kill, pros and public players are inclined to push up against enemies more than ever before. With good players being rewarded by kills, it leaves the question of which mode to play. Kill records are on…
All Fortnite players suffer from RNG. The randomizing of loot happens in all battle royale games and is nothing new. Dealing with RNG in scrims is not easy, but there are steps that will help reduce it. In high-level pop-up cups and scrim games, players want to have the best loot for late game. The…
In the v7.40 update, Fortnite introduced changes that alter the meta completely. Tournament style gameplay across all modes gives a competitive feel to public games. It allows players to practice and play just how they would in a Pop-up cup. Custom codes and scrims are also a great introduction because now a lobby can be…
Fortnite loves to keep it fresh, and the changes in this patch are subtle, yet effective. In this weeks v7.30 content update, there are a few refreshing changes. No meta changes or game breaking items, just a few items that are a nice touch to current gameplay. The items enhance the experience without being overpowered…
The v7.20 content update is here with some very interesting changes. Mobility is reduced even further and a new item has been added to the game. Pop-up cups are back and some important items have been sent to the vault. These changes come with a lot of players wondering how they are going to adjust…
Redeploy is back. Epic’s most controversial item released is now here again, this time with a new twist. The first time Redeploy was released, it was available to all players that jumped from over three blocks high. With concerns for third partying and not enough time to heal, players revolted and Epic removed it. Calling…
What is a “META”? No matter what game you play, there is always a “META” that is popular. “META” stands for Most Effective Tactic Available, which translates to the inventory that is most effective. While lots of people prefer the classic AR, shotgun, sub and special weapon, there are plenty of variations out there depending…
Zach “Sneaky” Scuderi – “I make up for it in other ways, like just screaming randomly.” Parqueso – Are the changes to 8.2 going to be a buff to Cloud 9’s bot lane? Is this playing towards your strength? Are you more excited for the changes that are coming? Sneaky – “I’d say personally I…
In January of this year, I wrote a piece called IEM Gyeonggi: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. I named Cody Sun in the “Bad” section, expressing “this bot lane [is] a glaring weak spot for the Immortals’ roster.” I followed that phrase with something more positive: “hopefully, more time, practice, and experience brings these…