Rogue – All Articles
A 2-5 League Play team made the semi-final of the Season 7 World Championship. Rogue turned the narrative surrounding their season around quickly. They were staying relegation in the face heading into Week 5. Then they grabbed a huge win against an imploding Spacestation team and pushed NRG to five games. Their Regional Championship to…
Sources close to the team have reported to The Game Haus that Evil Geniuses Rainbow Six Siege team will be losing their captain Canadian and Geoometrics. These same sources have reported that Canadian is likely going to SpaceStation Gaming while Geoometrics is choosing between Rogue and Dark Zero. This report comes after the team struggled…
Saviors of Uldum has just dropped and the active player count for Hearthstone has of course spiked really high. If you are having a hard time deciding what to play, let us recommend five Day 1 Saviors of Uldum decks that use the new cards and look pretty strong. Secret Mage Secret Mage is the…
Each class in Saviors of Uldum will be receiving 10 new cards to play. Of course, only so many will see play in viable meta decks. Some classes are receiving a lot more help than others, in what appears to be an attempt to bring more balance to the game. Let’s see what the big…
Saviors of Uldum Quests all provide a hero power reward, with some being much better than others. This is much like past Quests, though it feels like all Quests should be playable considering their Legendary status. You sacrifice a card in the ddeck, and a card in your opening hand in order to play them.…
In the Year of the Dragon, we will be getting new Lackeys with every set. Saviors of Uldum’s Lackey has finally been revealed in the form of Titanic Lackey. This card will be one of the options off of the new Warrior Weapon, Livewire Lance. Lastly we get a look at the new Warlock removal…
DreamHack: Montreal’s Closed Qualifiers are set to kick off tomorrow, which means the rosters used to qualify for the event were released late last night. Plenty of teams are trying out new players for the tournament. This could be an indication for what’s to come looking ahead to Season 8. While it’s hard to tell…
Welcome to Rocket Launching, a midweek RLCS column that discusses the wonderful world of Rocket League esports. Before Season 7, I wrote a series of team previews that outlined the best and worst case scenarios for each Rocket League Championship Series squad from NA and EU. It’s always good to consider the context of a…
Hearthstone has experienced a few cards that have simply been too strong for quite a while now. Mech is the most common tag among the top 5 cards in Rise of Shadows Meta. Specifically, the Magnetic mechanic has really ran away with the power level due to the ability to have huge swings and staying…
Sometimes, you can balance cards without direct nerfs. By adding new cards of certain mana cost, tribe and type, Blizzard can alter the overall power level of conditional creation mechanics. With card generation and ‘created by’ running rampant, should Blizzard intervene, even if they won’t nerf? Is it time to dilute card pools? More 12…
In a recent blog post, Blizzard outlined their vision for the nine classes of Hearthstone. Most of it was pretty uncontroversial; Druid should lack board clears, Hunter should struggle to heal and Paladins shouldn’t have much hard removal. But some of the ideas presented seemed to conflict heavily with the established identity and design decisions…
This month is seeing a couple new additions to the Hall of Fame in Hearthstone. As the removal of cards from the Evergreen set pile up, the Hearthstone team have decided to add a handful of new cards to keep the set at a standard number. The Hall of Fame and new Classic cards see…
The Rocket League World Championship wrapped up group play on Saturday. The tournament has been full of upsets and surprises thus far, and the single elimination playoff still sits on the horizon. All four NA teams topped their groups and set the playoff up for a hectic conclusion. Eight teams reached day three and will…
Everybody playing Hearthstone is familiar with ‘Created by’. It’s the two words that appear when your opponent plays a game winning card out of nowhere. Random card generation effects are incredibly prevalent in this meta, and ‘Created by’ has a huge impact on Ladder and tournaments. Just on one day, you can watch David ‘Dog’…
It seems as though fans are getting the matchups needed to see who is truly better than who. Luckily this past week there were a couple of shake-ups and some confirmations of where teams might actually be in the standings currently. This coming week will be important for the top two teams but other than…
Chess and Hearthstone don’t have a great deal in common. However, one aspect they do share is that going first is extremely powerful, and going second kind of sucks. Taking your first turn after your opponent means that you’re on the back foot, forced to react to their plays more than usual. In return, you’re…
Even though it was only Week 1 of the LEC Summer Split, there was quite a bit learned. Some teams clearly came ready to play, others didn’t, and then there was G2. While there may not be much of a fight for the top spot, everything below should be interesting. 10. exceL This team brought…
The Rocket League Championship Series World Championship is two weeks away, and the field is wide open. Each region is sending its best, and each region also hopes to bring the title back home with them. Who has the best odds at making their region proud? This three part mini-series will serve as a large…
The LEC is back in action with the best team in the world heading their league in G2. The question will be, who will be joining them for Worlds in a couple months? Well a good place to start is in Week 1 as everyone else battles for the last two spots. So without further…
With many pros instantly testing the deck when the buff patch went live, Pogo Rogue is the new fad. Though, it seems like it could evolve beyond just fad status. Pogo Rogue suffered in the past from just being simply too slow and not having hard enough swing turns. With the buff to Pogo Hopper…