rewards – All Articles
Get free skins for a limited time Right now three events are currently on the NA server. The first is Wild Welcome, which is a NA exclusive event that has been made specifically to help NA players catch up to the rest of the world. Next is Wild Rift Academy which is filled with easy…
Team Liquid are launching their fan platform, Liquid+, on Wednesday, January 27. The free app will engage esports fans through quests, experiences and rewards. Essentially, members earn points by interacting with Team Liquid’s different media–Twitter, Reddit, Twitch, etc. Your accumulated points determine your “rank,” and can be put towards the Liquid+ shop. Along the way,…
If you’re finding yourself missing some of those great features that came with TI’s Battle Pass then worry not. The Dota Plus Season 4 features are now live and they come with a whole host of what made the Battle Pass great. So, buy your Plus subscription and follow us into the world of reward-driven Dota.…
For a game of near-infinite possibility, Hearthstone can get stale fast. A focus on infrequent high-content, high-quality expansions keeps Hearthstone excellent, but leave long stretches of little change. How can Hearthstone beat the mid-expansion blues that sets in between releases? Content Doldrums While Adventures used to spread card releases over four weeks, the new all-expansion…