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September 2019 Overwatch Tier List: Observe the Barrier!

There is now an updated version of this tier list for November 2019/Season 19! It can be found by clicking this link. Season 18 is officially here, and with it comes the introduction of a meta centered around barriers and how to play around them. Sigma has been one of Overwatch’s first characters to come…

Best Damage Hero at Each Rank in Overwatch: Part 1

With the first full competitive role queue season a week away, players can finally play damage Heroes to their heart’s content. No more GOATs. No more five DPS compositions. And no more being forced to heal when the mood strikes to click on some heads. Now players can queue up, wait an extra minute or…

Best Hero Pick for Each Competitive Rank in Overwatch

Navigating the uncharted waters of Overwatch’s ranked play can be a challenging venture at any rank. Amidst throwers, smurf accounts and generally toxic players, it can be hard to know what will best help the team to actually win a match. All of these challenges arise no matter what tier a player finds themselves in,…

To Roadhog or To D.Va, That is the Question: A Look at Off-Tank Play in Stage 4

2-2-2 is the name of the game in Stage 4, and off-tank play is centered on either playing Roadhog or D.va. Let’s examine the off-tank play in Stage 4, and why D.va and Roadhog are the top picks this stage. What are the pros and cons of playing either hero? Moreover, which teams will benefit…

Overwatch’s Compositional Hullabaloo: Can Blizzard Change Metas without Overhauling the Game?

It has been over three years since the initial release of Overwatch and the game is in a very interesting stage of its life cycle. Recently a 2-2-2 (2 Tank, 2 DPS, 2 Support) role lock was introduced into the competitive modes of the game and articles have begun to sprout up suggesting that there…

Which Heroes’ Stocks are on the Rise and Which are Dropping in the Early 2-2-2 Meta

Stage 4 has brought with it a new era in competitive Overwatch. The introduction of 2-2-2 has shaken the league meta to its core, removing a style of play that ran rampant throughout the entirety of the season leading up to this point. In GOATS, or 3-3, heroes like Brigitte, Reinhardt and Zarya were staples.…

Summer Games Weekly Challenges: Unlock Skins for Reaper, Mei and Reinhardt

Blizzard has released new skins and cosmetic loot for the 2019 Summer Games event! While most of the content is available in loot boxes or purchasable for gold, three Epic skins are locked behind short-term gameplay challenges. These Weekly Challenges are formatted much like D.Va’s Nano Cola Challenge and Baptiste’s Reunion Challenge. During each challenge…

Overwatch Season 17 Tier List: Build ’em up, Bunker down

Season 17 of Overwatch’s Competitive play is officially live as of July 1, 2019. This tier list reflects heroes that are both well-kitted and their synergy within the current meta. As new patches go live, this list will be updated to reflect those changes and new lists will be published. [Update: An updated iter list…

Overwatch League Recap: Los Angeles Gladiators vs. Seoul Dynasty

Gladiators 1-3 Dynasty The Los Angeles Gladiators took on the Seoul Dynasty in both team’s first games of the Overwatch League 2019 season. Minutes before the game, the Gladiators tweeted out that one of their flex tanks, Bischu, would be out of the match with an illness. The Gladiators and Dynasty brought an entertaining fight,…

Three Heroes on the Verge of Redefining Overwatch

With the recent patch coming through, many have already begun to discuss the end of GOATS-style Overwatch. While it may take a while for this tank and support heavy meta to fully dissipate, the developers have clearly shown they intend to have the game move away from it eventually. But are we sure we know…

Overwatch: Will GOATS Be In OWL Season 2?

Overwatch League Commissioner Nate Nanzer recently tweeted that Stage One of OWL Season Two will be played on the current PTR (Public Test Region) patch. This means that the patch with the Reaper buffs, as well as the D.Va, Brigitte, and armor nerfs will be played at a professional level. This patch does bring questions…

Overwatch: Power Creep

The changes to DPS characters recently, such as with Bastion, McCree, and now Reaper, have made something that slowly snuck up on the Overwatch player base become far more apparent: power creep. What Is Power Creep? Power creep is an increase in relative power caused by updates, balance patches, and expansions. To give an example,…

Overwatch: What to be Thankful for This Offseason

The return of the Overwatch League is three months away. While fans countdown the days until February 14 (83 days, to be exact), there is still plenty to be thankful for while everyone waits. With the Tier 2 scene just starting, new two-way contracts, new Heroes, and plenty of Black Friday deals, ’tis the season…

Overwatch: Update 1.30 Brings Balance and Ashe’s Live Server Debut

Following her reveal at BlizzCon 2018, Ashe and her dynamic partner B.O.B. joined the PC testing community on the Overwatch PTR Server. After being subjected to relentless usage from both pro and causal players alike, Ashe now hits live servers and is finally available to both the PC and console communities. Though the highlight of…

Overwatch: Nerf Blasters Revealed

The BlizzCon weekend was a blast for Overwatch fans. Korea got their third world cup, the United Kingdom achieved the greatest upset in World Cup history which you can read about here, Ashe & Bob made their debut, and we got a new cinematic featuring McCree and the Deadlock Gang. But apart from everything in-game,…

LEGO Overwatch Sets Released

The world could always use more heroes During BlizzCon this Friday, not only games had the spotlight during the day. While the Overwatch World Cup was being played and the crowds were going crazy over the game’s 29th hero, Ashe & Bob, LEGO updated their website and showed the world the six new sets based…

Seagull Interview, Pt. 2: Improvisation, Expectation, Communication

In part two of our Fuel-tastic interview, Seagull talked a bit about his expectations for OWL Season 2, rolling with the punches and strategy on the fly. Part 1 of this interview can be found here. Happy reading!

New patch: Reaper shreds and the Roadhog flank is dead

It’s been four days since the latest patch for Overwatch has gone live. A lot of changes have been implemented -for all the changes go here– but none are more important than the changes to Reaper and Roadhog. Reaper: The Tank Killer Reaper has always been Overwatch’s designated tank killer. However, before the recent patch,…

The Reaper is Growing Up

Last week we saw Hyun “Byun” Woo and Cho “Maru” Seong Ju change the way we look at Reapers in Terran vs Zerg. They were producing Reapers off of five barracks before even building a Factory – historically a very cheesy, very all-in build.  The difference was that after their first few Reapers, they stopped harassing…

The Dive Comp: Which hero is played and why

In today’s pro Overwatch scene, what has become popular is not the triple tank or the standard Reinhardt composition, but rather the dive comp. It is really interesting to watch as these fights become more chaotic and the outcome less definitive until the very end. What has brought this comp into the meta? Each hero…
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