playstyle – All Articles
North America’s League Championship Series (LCS) moved into playoffs last weekend, with TSM beating Echo Fox 3-1 and FlyQuest winning 3-2 over Golden Guardians. These exciting series showed some strong performances out of several players. Here are the Fantastic Four of quarterfinals 2019. The Fantastic Four recognizes four different players from different teams that exhibited…
In competitive Fortnite, the five slots in the inventory are incredibly important. Choosing the last three items in competitive playlists are very important since it can make or break the game. Every person has a different preference, and no meta will work for everyone. In order to choose the right weapons for themselves, a player…
Rotation 101 To make good rotations in Fortnite, there are a few things to consider. Rotations vary based on playstyle, bus route and location. Every player will have a different rotation from one another even if the landing spot is the same. Players will even switch up rotations due to material or eliminations needed. The…
On January 25, Nintendo announced patch 2.0.0 for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Normally, patches drop further down the game’s lifespan, but this offers an opportunity to fix some of the game’s current issues. Balancing is not a critical issue, as this is the most balanced Smash game ever at release. Tournaments have quite a variety…
With the introduction of creative mode, the skillset of players continues to grow. Fortnite is constantly adding new things to test players ability to adapt, but building has always been the same. Innovation from top tiers trickles down to the rest offering new ways to build and edit to get the best result. Before creative…
What is a “META”? No matter what game you play, there is always a “META” that is popular. “META” stands for Most Effective Tactic Available, which translates to the inventory that is most effective. While lots of people prefer the classic AR, shotgun, sub and special weapon, there are plenty of variations out there depending…