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The LCS finally started up for 2021, with teams playing their first games of Spring Split. Everyone got their shot at the Lock In tournament, an exhibition-style tournament with a small prize pool and charity donation on the line. Team Liquid came away the victor with their 3-2 series win over Cloud9. Getting into games…
With Week 2 of the NA LCS behind us, Riot has released an infographic detailing the stats for the week. The Infographic contains all sorts of information, ranging from the match results to the best players of the week. However, one thing that specifically jumps out are the champion presence and win rate stats. Without further…
The final week of the 2017 EU LCS Summer Split regular season was one of the most dynamic yet. There were match-ups with pride on the line, and others with no real consequences. Most draft phases looked familiar, as many champion priorities remained the same as week nine. It is difficult to put too much…
Cho’Gath has spiked in popularity in the EU LCS, following Riot’s implementation of patch 7.14. He was played in six games as a jungler and three games as a top laner in week seven. Cho’Gath was also banned in eight games, maintaining an 89.5 percent overall presence. All three top lane performances resulted in wins,…
Rift Rivals is on in full force, as regions around the world battle for bragging rights. This new international event is clashing metas against each other, to surprising effect. The Atlantic rivalry, North America versus Europe, has been particularly exciting. There was so much speculation coming into the event, regarding which teams would be strongest,…