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Hearthstone: January Competitive Meta After Masters Cup

The Winter Playoffs are fast approaching and the meta has started to settle. The Monthly Master Cup was the last major competitive tournament to be played before playoffs. Let’s take a look at the January competitive meta and the decks most likely to show themselves in the next few weeks of playoffs. Hunter 14 of…

Hearthstone: Takeaways from the Specialist Showdown

Over the weekend, Tempo Storm hosted the Hearthstone Specialist Showdown. We got a look at what class experts think are the best deck archetypes within their class. We got to see how certain classes directly interacted with each other over the course of multiple games and with different tech inclusions. Some players decided to focus…

Hearthstone: First Hearthstone Masters Invitational Results

The first Hearthstone Masters tournaments occurred this past Saturday. The tournament is a nice little bonus to the top players with a $5,000 prize pool paying out to the top four players. This is the second event to take place after the December nerfs, and the first event for these players. Casper “Hunterace” Notto walked…

Hearthstone: How December Balance Update Impacts Meta

The recent December balance update comes right after the first Tour Stop of Rastakhan’s Rumble. It has huge meta implications for the near and far future. The update comes as a bit of surprise with no prior announcement. Druid is Dead At first glance, Druid appears to have been completely torn apart by the nerfs.…

Hearthstone: Best Decks from HCT Philadelphia

The first Tour Stop of the set has passed and that means its time to evaluate the new meta at its early stages. It might be too early yet to analyze the full impact of Rastakhan’s Rumble, but we can get an early feel of the most impactful cards. We will be taking a look…

Hearthstone: Can Odd Paladin Survive Rastakhan?

Odd Paladin is arguably the best deck in the game right now. With stunning win rates across the board, its power is undoubtedly substantial in tournaments and on ladder. A friend of mine, an arena player who rarely if ever dabbles in constructed, rocketed to Legend with it in just a few days after months…

Genn is Fine, Baku is the Problem

Genn and Baku are some of the most powerful and controversial cards in the meta. By completely changing the dynamics of hero powers, they have created dozens of new decks. Many of these have ended up dominating large swathes of ladder. But while some see Even and Odd decks as two sides of the same…

Hearthstone: The Power Creep We Need

If power creep is inevitable, what kind of broken cards do we want to see to support a more diverse and fun meta?

Hearthstone: Fungalmancer or Unfungalmancer?

The ever popular Hearthstone streamer Octavian “Kripparrian” Morosan is never afraid of giving his thoughts on Hearthstone’s design. Recently, he released a video detailing his suggestions for the most problematic cards. High among them was the second most popular 5 drop in the game: Fungalmancer. But is this omnipresent buff card truly a problem? The…

Hearthstone’s 2-drop problem

Where have all the good 2-drops gone? That’s a question many players ask themselves whilst sifting through their collection. While no one wants pre-nerf Knife Juggler back, it’s undeniable that there are few good pro-active turn two plays for many classes. With control tools and sustain getting ever stronger, is this lack of good early…

How Giggling Inventor is taking over the meta (and how to beat her)

One card is skyrocketing in popularity as the post-Boomsday meta begins to stabilise. Giggling Inventor is the new 5 mana taunt staple. With two Annoy-o-trons by her side, she represents a huge roadblock for any minions. At the same time, she’s great sticky board presence and ripe for buffs. Her strengths are becoming clear, and…

Hearthstone: The Best Aggro Cards of the Boomsday Facebook Dump

Not every card gets a flashy reveal. Blizzard leaves a significant proportion of every expansion to the last minute, revealing all the last cards unceremoniously on their offical site and Facebook page. These cards are rarely too exciting; usually just a few swapped stats and the odd minor synergy. However, some end up as the…

HCT Tokyo: Meta Still Not Stale

The last tournament of Hearthstone Championship Tour Season 2, HCT Tokyo, has come to a close. The tournament showcased some top flight talent and good deck variety. Both new faces and those who have had multiple top finishes already this year made the trip to Tokyo. Japanese player Hinaya won the tournament along with 15…

Can Magnetic do better than Handbuff?

For one of the signature clans of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, the Grimy Goons sure were a letdown. Their handbuff mechanic, exclusive to Paladin, Warrior and Hunter, proved far too slow and random to be useful for most of its implementation. Now, with another buff-style mechanic coming to these same three classes in Boomsday, it’s…

Hearthstone Global Games Week 1 Meta Report

Hearthstone Global Games Week 1 has opened up the thinking processes of 48 countries around the world. Teams have been tasked with submitting decklists for all nine classes. Most countries have decided to not deviate from what has been expected for HGG lineups. Some, on the other hand, have brought out some very off-meta decks…

Fear Genn and Baku in Boomsday

Boomsday is bringing mechs, experiments and explosions galore. But with an expansion of the card pool comes a threat from some of the Witchwood’s most powerful build-arounds. Will Genn and Baku trap Hearthstone’s developers into making Odd and Even decks dominate the meta? A Wild warning If you think this might be far fetched, just…

Is This the Best Hearthstone Meta Yet?

The last time a meta this diverse was almost exactly a year ago. After the first set of balance changes after Journey to Un’goro was released, almost every class had multiple strong decks, and there seemed to be no dominant strategy. Of course, this wasn’t perfect. Pirate Warrior was overly oppressive, and Warlock was almost…

Wildcard potential nerf targets

Dean “Iksar” Ayala gave us a unique insight into the ongoing internal design balance discussion at blizzard. In a clarifying Reddit comment, he gave a hit-list of 10 cards that Team 5 are specifically looking at. Among them were many targets of community and competitive ire. It’s a fair assumption that several or even most…

The Surprising success of Amani Berserker

When this author was first starting Hearthstone, they put every Enrage or damage-synergy minion into the same deck. It was a surprisingly successful strategy. Among the plays that confused and terrified numerous rank 17 opponents, Amani Berserker into Inner Rage and Rampage became a personal favourite for this writer. Of course, competent opponents would easily…

Why Quest’s Rogue’s back (and how not to nerf it)

While many (author included) were shuddering at the thought of jaws biting and claws catching the meta, Quest Rogue arose as the control-killing combo deck to fear. Defying its year-old nerf, the deck is at some of its highest winrates yet seen, especially near the top of legend. But how did Quest Rogue manage to…
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