paladin – All Articles
Something very different is coming to PUBG. The Fantasy Battle Royale is something that was originally thought to be an April Fool’s joke, but it is all too real now. This very limited event is swiftly nearing its end, but the game type could open up some new possibilities for fans of PUBG. Instead of…
The Overwatch League is winding down, and the long off-season awaits ahead. This means that many long time viewers quickly need to find some other media to jump into. One of the best options for those in need of a new fix would have to be the longtime classic tabletop RPG: Dungeons and Dragons, also…
The Rise of Mech event was unique in Hearthstone history. It’s the first time since Beta where cards were explicitly buffed. Two cards from every class from the Boomsday expansion. But with the most recent balance changes, Blizzard reversed two of the most impactful changes. With the remaining cards largely limited in impact, was this…
With the latest nerfs, Mage were hit the hardest. They lack a single archetype with an over 50 percent win rate. Because of this, other decks that play for value can finally come into the spotlight. Mage could out-value any deck that plays for value, but slow moving decks like those using Quests can beat…
With Saviors of Uldum now well under way, Murloc Paladin has emerged as one of the winning archetypes. Thanks to the specific combo of Prismatic Lens into Tip the Scales, this deck can create a huge board in a stage of the game where most decks don’t have an answer. The deck is pretty straight…
Each class in Saviors of Uldum will be receiving 10 new cards to play. Of course, only so many will see play in viable meta decks. Some classes are receiving a lot more help than others, in what appears to be an attempt to bring more balance to the game. Let’s see what the big…
Two drops aren’t what they were. When it comes to efficiently making a pro-active play on turn two, chances are you aren’t playing a two-cost card. Either you’re coining a three drop, playing a one drop or two, or just hero-powering and calling it a day. Sure, you might tempo out the odd Sorcerer’s Apprentice…
Saviors of Uldum Quests all provide a hero power reward, with some being much better than others. This is much like past Quests, though it feels like all Quests should be playable considering their Legendary status. You sacrifice a card in the ddeck, and a card in your opening hand in order to play them.…
The Saviors of Uldum are here, and while some disappoint, others open up vast new opportunities. Sir Finley of the Sands falls firmly into the latter. Sticking close to his hero-power altering original incarnation, he now grants a choice between three impressive upgraded hero powers. But in return for this massive power boost you must…
Once upon a time Reno Jackson and highlander decks dominated the meta. It was more prevalent than Zilliax and SN1P-SN4P are today even with the harsh condition of only running a single copy of each card. Highlander decks make a valiant return with Saviors of Uldum but it seems only four classes will have these…
The Hearthstone team have had a steady reveal of Saviors of Uldum cards over the past couple weeks. Of those shown so far, Shaman and Paladin Saviors of Uldum cards look to be meta changing. Both classes have been suffering from the lack of a top tier deck during the Rise of Shadows expansion, but…
Curvestone. RNGstone. Just play the biggest minion. Midrange doesn’t have the best reputation for engaging gameplay. While its straightforward and intuitive playstyle and win condition (value, good cards and a strong curve) is great for newer players, more experienced players can find it boring and draw-dependent with few opportunities to display skill. However, there is…
OTK (or One Turn Kill) decks were extremely annoying and sometimes extremely powerful. Decks that utilized Mecha’thun, Uther of the Ebon Blade and Hakkar, the Soulflayer. These decks required some thought and strategy to play. But will there every be a return of any OTK decks in the near future? The Past Before the Year…
Twinspell is one of the standout mechanics of Rise of Shadows. Twinspell cards have double the value that they first appear to. In return, they are typically lower in tempo than you might expect. Despite this, Twinspell cards form the core of several top-tier decks. Conjurer’s Calling defines Khadgar Mage, Both of Druid’s Twinspells are…
The robot takeover took a while, but it’s finally taken hold. Between Paladin, Hunter and Warrior, Mechs are a huge part of the meta. Their magnetic abilities and reactive power means they’ve taken the mantle as midrange value engine of choice. Of course, with a weaker card pool, their success has a lot less competition.…
The idea of a Secret Paladin was toyed around with near the end of the this set rotation, but never came to be anything fantastic. However, in Rise of Shadows, Secret Paladin’s return could leave it at a power level of the old Mysterious Challenger Secret Paladin. Sunreaver Spy and Mysterious Blade Sunreaver Spy and…
The last cards of the expansion are revealed, and it’s time to cower in fear. Not since the days of Mysterious Challenger has Secret Paladin looked so terrifying. With brutally efficient early plays and flexible mid-game options, it’s looking like Aggro will get its teeth into those early experimental decks in truly old-school fashion. But…
We are coming very near to the release date of the Rise of Shadows expansion. There are still a lot of cards left to be revealed, but most of the Legendaries revealed don’t have a great level of power. This time, we see two more class Legendaries and a neutral one: Commander Rhyssa, Fel Lord…
The February balance update is now live. We are going to see a slight meta shift in the coming weeks leading into the HCT Winter Championship. Some of the popular decks that are unaffected by these changes are going to nudge their way up the tier lists. Here we look at a few of the…
On February 5, four Classic and Basic cards will be nerfed along with one other card. The Classic and Basic sets are a part of Hearthstone’s “Evergreen” set meaning they will always be in the Standard rotation. The balance team thought these changes were necessary so that the cards did not feel like “auto-includes” in…