overwatch patch notes – All Articles

Overwatch’s Latest PTR Patch Notes Nerf Several of Overwatch’s Most Powerful Heroes

Just one day after developers responded on Blizzard forums stating that changes to Baptiste and Mei were coming, Overwatch’s PTR Patch Notes were released. PTR Patch Notes 1.44 will tentatively address six heroes: Baptiste, Mei, D.Va, Orisa, Hanzo and Doomfist. The changes can be seen in their entirety in the image below, clipped from Blizztrack.com:…

Overwatch Developers Respond to Community Backlash, Claim Changes to Mei and Baptiste are Coming

On the Blizzard forums today, January 8, Overwatch Developer Josh Noh responded at length to the community backlash over his initial post on power creep. In this post, Noh claimed that he felt Overwatch wasn’t “anywhere close” to being at a point of significant power creep, citing several heroes win-rates in Grand Master rank. This…

January 2020 Overwatch Tier List: Competitive Season 20

[The February 2020 Tier List reflecting the latest hero rankings is here! Click on this link to check out the updated rankings for Season 20 and Patch] New year, new Overwatch. 2020 Serves to be a massive year for the game, likely bringing with it the debut of Overwatch 2 and the release of…

Shield Nerfs, Cooldowns, and You: Playing Tank in a Post-Double Shield Meta

In the most recent patch, Blizzard has been hacking away at the double barrier meta with all the delicate subtlety of a Reinhardt-sized sledgehammer. Static barriers have had their hit points slashed, to be replaced by tanks that are much more active on the battlefield – and by most accounts, much more fun to play.…

December 2019 Overwatch Tier List (Updated with Patch 1.43)

[The January 2020 Tier List Reflecting the Latest Hero Rankings is here! Click on this link to check out the updated rankings for Season 20.] December is a busy time for Overwatch, this month being no exception. This month has brought players a seasonal event in Winter Wonderland and has changed the meta through the…

Overwatch’s Latest Patch Notes are now Live Alongside Winter Event

Overwatch’s latest PTR patch notes, which can be seen here, are now officially on live servers alongside the 2019 Winter Wonderland seasonal event. These notes provide some big changes that have been on many player’s Christmas lists for some time and look to potentially be the end of the double barrier dominance. What to Expect…

Overwatch’s Latest PTR Patch Notes Severely Nerf Shields & Buff Dive

On November 13, Overwatch released the latest set of PTR patch notes which, according to Jeff Kaplan, should be set to go live this week sometime alongside the Winter Wonderland event. Changes included in these notes include severe nerfs to Orisa, Sigma and Moira while several, lower-tier heroes received buffs. With such significant changes, could…

Jeff Kaplan Confirms that Overwatch’s Latest Patch Will go Live Next Week

Today Overwatch Lead Developer, Jeff Kaplan, likely responded to an article published by Dexerto which claimed that the latest patch notes (1.43) would potentially not be going live until mid-January 2020. He did not explicitly refer to this article instead simply claiming that, “We’ve been seeing quite a bit of misinformation being spread about our…

Upcoming Scheduled Maintenance Could Signal the Start of Overwatch’s 2019 Winter Event and/or PTR Patch Notes Going Live

[12/4 Update: Jeff Kaplan Confirms that Overwatch’s Latest Patch Will go Live Next Week] Currently, according to Blizzard, there will be scheduled maintenance happening across several of its titles on December 3 at 7:00 am PST until 9:00 am PST. For Overwatch players, this upcoming maintenance could indicate one of two things, either the start…

Overwatch Competitive Season 19 Introduces a Limited Map Pool, Paris Among Those Excluded

[Update: Season 20 has begun featuring a new map pool featuring 7 of the 12 maps from Season 19 and five new maps.] A new feature coming to Overwatch’s 19th competitive season (as a part of patch notes 1.42) is the addition of a limited map pool. In this, there will only be three maps…

Overwatch is now Available on the Nintendo Switch

Overwatch is now officially available for purchase on the Nintendo Switch. This release has been hyped up for some time and was released along with the much-anticipated Overwatch Halloween Terror event and the latest PTR patch notes hitting live servers. All of this combined makes for a very monumental, but also very busy, day in…

Overwatch Patch Notes 1.41 are now Playable on Live Servers

After three weeks, Overwatch’s latest set of patch notes is finally on live servers. Blizzard seems to have delayed the release of this patch by one week to line up with Overwatch’s release on the Nintendo Switch and the Halloween Terror event, making this a very impactful day in the life of the game. It’s…

Overview of Overwatch’s September 24 PTR Patch Notes

Overwatch’s latest balance patch has officially been announced and is currently available to test on the PTR. Patch 1.41 brings some massive changes to heroes like Sigma and Orisa that desperately needed balancing, as well as some adjustments to some more unexpected characters. Below is an overview of the more major changes being made. To…

What Shields Can and Can’t Sombra Hack?

With the latest patch, Sigma had some significant changes, but one of the most important changes is how his shield interacts with Sombra’s Hack ability. As a shield based character, Sigma relies on being able to quickly put out and retract his shield, using either to protect key allies, cut off important grounds for enemies,…

Key Buffs and Nerfs That are Needed in Next Overwatch Patch Notes

The latest significant change that came to Overwatch was on August 13. On this patch (patch, Sigma was officially introduced into Overwatch, ultimate costs were increased, and several other key changes were made to heroes like Brigitte, Reinhardt and Symmetra. But, since that point, no significant changes have come to Overwatch and players are…

Reinhardt Gains New Passive Ability in Latest Overwatch Patch Notes

Overwatch’s most lovable German main tank has been buffed in the July 18 PTR Patch Notes. Reinhardt’s buff may have flown under the radar in the laundry list of changes on the latest patch. Characters like Moira and Brigitte have stolen the show with their major changes and reworks. But, main tank players ought to…

Biggest Impacts From the Overwatch Role Queue Announcement

On July 18, in what was one of the most news-packed weeks in Overwatch’s history, Jeff Kaplan and the Overwatch team dropped another huge bombshell: Role Queue. This comes as a part of a larger announcement that OWL and OW will move to a 2-2-2 role lock where players will be forced to play two…

July 16th Overwatch Patch Notes: Summer Games, Subtitles and a Shorter Competitive Season?

Overwatch’s latest patch notes have been released, bringing with them the 2019 Summer Games, subtitles, updates to the workshop and the usual bug fixes. The complete patch notes can be found in the announcement made on the Play Overwatch website. However, to present it in shorter terms, here’s what the patch notes introduce: Patch…
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