Overwatch Anniversary Event 2020
Overwatch Anniversary Event 2020 – All Articles
Overwatch Contenders have added rewards for watching Contenders live on the Overwatch Contenders website. Every month from now through 2021, viewers will have to the chance to earn home and away skins for two different heroes. For October, those heroes are Symmetra and Mercy. In addition, everyone will receive Genji’s home and away skins as…
Today begins the celebration of the 4-year anniversary of Overwatch. Alongside all the new cosmetics and brawls returning, there are a good deal of balance changes and bug fixes going live as well. The changes from last week’s experimental card were pushed through. The much-anticipated communication wheel has made it to the live server, as…
The Overwatch 2020 Anniversary Event will begin May 19 and with it as always comes some incredible new skins. In the week leading up to it, Overwatch will normally show off at least the Legendary skins ahead of time in tweets or videos of their own. There are normally about five or six legendary skins…
Overwatch is another year older and with it comes the Anniversary event. This event will be starting on May 19 and run through June 9. In the announcement, Overwatch hinted at new rewards and seasonal brawls. [Related: What To Expect in the Overwatch Anniversary Event 2020] This means that as per usual there will be…
The Overwatch team have released an update to the Experimental card which was talked about in the latest Developer Update video. These updates are live for all platforms and can be read in full here. The update is targeted mostly towards support characters in attempts to bring each of the characters closer to viability to…
With the Overwatch Anniversary Event looming, there arises speculation as to what content will be released with it. Originally, Overwatch launched May 24, 2016. This has placed the anniversary event in the last weeks of May each year. In 2017, it ran from May 21-June 10; 2018 was May 22-June 11; 2019 was May 23-June…
Overwatch Archives just finished up on April 2 and now people may be wondering, when is the next Overwatch event? Well, the Archives event normally would just be starting, so it seems as though the Overwatch team has a bit of a different schedule this year. Another reason to believe this is that they added…