Nomi Priest – All Articles
The Hearthstone team have revealed a new combo similar to playing the Old Blood of the Ancient Ones in order to summon The Ancient One. This time we have Highkeeper Ra, who must be summoned by having seven Mogu Cultists on board. When Highkeeper Ra is somehow summoned, he is a 20/20 that does 20…
In the Hearthstone Grandmasters 2019 Week 6 meta, Rogue is finally dropping off in interest by the players. Though at the same time, some other successful archetypes have been abandoned this week. Warrior and Mage Surpass Rogue Some players have abandoned the Rogue game plan this week in favor of Warrior and Mage. Bomb Warrior…
In the Hearthstone Grandmasters 2019 Week 1 Meta we got to see the unfortunate shortcomings of the Specialist format. Only five classes were represented in total, and from that, only three classes represented by more than three decks. Warrior and Rogue ruled the meta this week, but hopefully change is on the horizon. All Archetypes…
We are in the second season of the Rise of Shadows Hearthstone meta. A couple new decks have popped into the meta, but Rogue is still the oppressor. Many people are trying to experiment with some lesser used cards to create new archetypes. Here’s a look at the May 2019 Standard meta in order of…
It’s been nearly two weeks since the release of Rise of Shadows. The meta has started to settle into a groove. We can start to look at how the meta decks interact with one another. Here is an overview of the early Rise of Shadows meta. Rogue and Warrior Top of the Heap Rogue in…