newest valorant agent deadeye
newest valorant agent deadeye – All Articles
VALORANT continue to push out great new agents that add something new to the game but also to the expanding lore of the game. Deadeye has been teased for months now and with the numerous delays, it is safe to say that VALORANT fans are chomping at the bit to get him. Now the question…
There is little to no doubt that the next VALORANT agent will be revealed very soon. Many are thinking it could be as soon as the next couple of days. That said, VALORANT Deadeye was teased again three times but these times in much more obvious ways. This time the VALORANT Twitter account posted three…
VALORANT has not had a new agent in some time but there have been a lot of different clues signaling that one should be coming soon. With the last Act of Episode 3 on the horizon for the FPS, it would seem as though the leaks and rumors should start arriving soon. Most recently during…
Right off the heels of a new agent announcement, Riot is teasing even more content in the near future. On Monday June 21, the official VALORANT twitter account released a video commemorating the first year of VALORANT. During the video viewers could see a quick few images of a potential new agent. Just this past…