Charles “MoistCr1TKaL” White Jr. is known for his react videos on Youtube, stream on Twitch, and the occasional smash tournament/commentary. He has now decided to start a new venture, creating an esports organization known as Moist Esports.
MoistCr1TKaL added Kolawole “Kola” Aideyan to the Moist Esports team. Kola is a Roy main in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. He took first place in the Soaked Series Invitational, a tournament hosted by MositCr1TKaL, earning him $10,000 out of the $20,00 prize pool.
The announcement was made just two days before the last Smash Ultimate Summit 3 voting period. Nevertheless, the Moist Esports team successfully got Kola into the tournament, sparing no expense in the process.
Kola was ecstatic at the CriTiKaL’s announcement, giving Kola newfound energy to get him into Summit. While Kola has mostly online tournaments under his belt, many think he may be a meme pick. Still, getting into Summit is no small feat and Kola may be an untapped can of potential in the offline scene.
While some in the smash community have said that buying your way in is wrong, many big names, such as Juan “Hngrybox” DeBiedma, have done the same thing to get into past Summits. Still, for those who wish to get into Summit, the Mega Smashy Mondays 240 is their last chance to get in.
This isn’t Cr1TiKaL’s first rodeo in terms of esports and smash. He has done commentary on Super Smash Bros. tournaments. Moreover, his recent run in the PogChamps chess tournament was.
It’s uncertain if the Moist Esports team is 100% ligament or just a meme. This is a big announcement and a big win for the Smash community.
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