A much anticipated pick for Pokemon Unite has finally been datamined: Pokemon Unite Blaziken. Fans have been asking for this Pokemon pick literally since the game’s initial release — and they’re finally getting their requested pick.
[Related: Pokemon Unite Inteleon revealed]
The fire type starter Pokemon originally debuted in Generation III, and has always been a fan favorite Pokemon for years. And now that the Pokemon is joining the mobile MOBA, players are rejoicing. But keep in mind, this isn’t an official reveal, but a leak. In other words, the data for Pokemon Unite Blaziken was discovered by a community famous ElChicoEevee.
As with all other starter Pokemon in the MOBA, expect Pokemon Unite Blaziken to have multiple evolution forms. In other words, it’ll start as Torchic, and evolve from then on. In other words, it’ll level up initially at level 5, becoming Combusken. Then, upon reaching level 7, it’ll ultimately evolve into Blaziken.
Though it hasn’t been officially confirmed yet, Pokemon Unite Blaziken is an all-rounder. This speculation is based on unofficial gameplay revealed by ElChicoEevee, where the splash art for the Pokemon during the loading screen is purple — representing an all-rounder.
Regardless of the leaked gameplay, there’s little to no way it’ll be a support or defender. In addition, Pokemon Unite Blaziken is speculated to deal physical attack — thereby making items such as Muscle Band and potentially Scope Lens great on the Pokemon Unite new Pokemon.
According to ElChicoEevee, a reputable dataminer for Pokemon Unite, Blaziken will be unique in that it’ll have access to two Unite Moves.
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