The Overwatch Lunar New Year Event is currently in full swing. Player are not only getting to celebrate the Lunar New Year in style with new skins but even a brand new event called Bounty Hunter. This event lasts until February 25 and will also encompass Blizcononline which will hopefully have some new information on Overwatch 2. That said, Overwatch players are probably wondering when and what the next 2021 Overwatch event is?
Normally Overwatch does not have too much of a break in between events if they can help it. This is especially true during this time of year. After the Lunar New Year event in 2020, Overwatch surprised everyone with the Mardi Gras event. There was some hope that the event would be back this year but considering the Lunar New Year event was pushed backed compared to previous years that seems unlikely.
Instead, the next event to come out will probably be the Overwatch Archives event. Normally the Archives events ran from the middle of April until early May when the Anniversary event would start. Then in 2020, it started in March.
When considering their previous schedule it seems like the next 20201 Overwatch event, Overwatch Archives, will start sometime near the end of March.
A lot of things could change depending on what is done at Blizzconline, if anything is. It could still be just full-steam ahead as normal for Overwatch. In that case, the prediction for the next 2021 Overwatch event being Archives and being near the end of March seems all that more likely.
If they do this event again it will be interesting to see if they add to the story as they did in the first three iterations. It was a great event because it helped to fill in storylines as well as introduce potential future heroes.
Either way keep up to date on all things Overwatch and the many Overwatch events here at The Game Haus.
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